
Genius Plus Academy


10 Practice and Revision (PREP) Sessions

SGD 600.00
PREP Sessions are drop-in sessions and are conducted by our TAs, Ms Arina & Mr Goh, during / nearing exam season.
During PREP sessions, students will attempt past year exam papers and be guided through questions when they have any difficulties attempting those questions.
PREP sessions are essentially, guided homework sessions. Students will have their work graded at the end of the session.

20 Practice and Revision (PREP) Sessions

SGD 1,150.00
PREP Sessions are conducted by our TAs, Ms Arina & Mr Goh, during / nearing exam season.
During PREP sessions, students will attempt past year exam papers and be guided through questions when they have any difficulties attempting those questions.
PREP sessions are essentially, guided homework sessions. Students will have their work graded at the end of the session.

Zoom Lessons Package

10 Zoom Lessons Package (valid for P1 to P4)

SGD 525.00
SGD 50.00 initial setup plus SGD 525.00 every 3 months

10 Zoom Lessons Package (Valid for P5 and P6)

SGD 665.00
SGD 50.00 initial setup plus SGD 665.00 every 3 months