Balance Point Health Centre


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Live Blood Analysis

Hormonal Balance Holistic Nutrition Program

Hormonal Balance Holistic Nutrition Program,
With Linda Ljucovic, #N487412

Included in this program:

-One Hour Initial Nutrition and Lifestyle Consult
-One 30 minute Follow Up Appointment
-Private Facebook Group coaching
-10 % off supplements
-Recipe Plan
-Grocery List
-Supplement/Herb/Essential Oils Protocol (if applicable)

PROGRAM: $350.00
TAX (HST) @ 13%: $45.50
TOTAL: $395.50

Nutrition and Lifestyle

FDN Approach: Metabolic Balance: One to One Coaching

CA$20.00 initial setup plus CA$499.00 per month for 3 months (CA$1,517.00 total)
Nutritionist Code for Linda Ljucovic: N487412

-One Hour Initial Assessment and Goal Setting
-One Lab Report Session (recorded)
-6 one-to-one coaching sessions for education, etc
-Pre-recorded modules to support learning regarding health issue
-For additional Labs, there will be a fee of $200.00 ea
-A customized meal plan that includes grocery lists and recipes
-exclusive pricing (10 % off) on clinical-grade supplements bundled just for you
-Access to an online food journal allowing daily communication about what you’re eating and how you’re feeling
-Email support for 6 months
-Access to private group and Balanced Life Blueprint Modules
-Included are weekly check ins to support lifestyle changes.
*labs billed separately

Package Price: $1497.00
Break Down: Tax 194.61
Total: 1691.61
Initial Payment: $20.00 + Monthly Payment of $499.00

Fix Your Hormones and Fight Fatigue

CA$20.00 initial setup plus CA$248.50 per month for 2 months (CA$517.00 total)
Nutritionist Code for Linda Ljucovic: N487412

-One Hour Initial Assessment and Goal Setting
-A customized meal plan that includes grocery lists and recipes
-exclusive pricing (10 % off) on clinical-grade supplements bundled just for you
-Access to an online food journal allowing daily communication about what you’re eating and how you’re feeling
-Access to private Facebook group
-Included is 3 forty-five minute follow up Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching Sessions.

Package Price: $517.00
Plus Tax: 67.21
Initial Payment: $20.00 + Monthly Payment of $248.50 + tax

Rediscover Your Hormone Harmony

CA$20.00 initial setup plus CA$499.00 per month for 3 months (CA$1,517.00 total)
Nutritionist Code for Linda Ljucovic: N487412

-One Hour Initial Assessment and Goal Setting and a 45 minute follow up to review Mineral Lab
-Mineral Lab included
-A customized meal plan that includes grocery lists and recipes
-exclusive pricing (10 % off) on clinical-grade supplements bundled just for you
-Access to an online food journal allowing daily communication about what you’re eating and how you’re feeling
-Hormone Balance Modules
-Weekly Check Ins for first 2 months (every other week for next 2 months)
-Email support and access to private Facebook group

Package Price: $1497.00
Plus Tax: $194.61
Initial Payment: $20.00 + Monthly Payment of $499.00 plus tax

The Quick Fix with Support from Linda (Initial and 2 Follow Ups + HTMA Lab)

CA$20.00 initial setup plus CA$278.15 per month for 2 months (CA$576.30 total)
For those Needing Individualized Support but are Afraid of Commitment (consult and follow up)
-An Initial Consultation to discuss strategy, set up lab, and get started on changes
-A customized meal plan that includes grocery lists and recipes
-A Hair Mineral Analysis Lab (valued at $140.00)
-Customized supplement plan
-Access to an online food journal allowing daily communication about what you’re eating and how you’re feeling
-Email support for one month
-Access to private facebook group
-Included is one 45 minute follow up report review and one 30 minute coaching call

Package Price: $510.00
Tax: $66.30
Total Cost: 576.30
Initial Payment: $20.00 + Monthly Payment of $278.15