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Subscription: Photographer Website Profile

$15.00 initial setup plus $15.00 per month
Introducing our exclusive Photographer Showcase Subscription Service! For just $15 a month, photographers can elevate their online presence and reach a broader audience by being featured on our premium website. This subscription offers a unique opportunity for photographers to showcase their talent, connect with potential clients, and establish a strong online portfolio. There is a $15 initial start up fee.

You will receive 15% off one booking per month you are a subscriber. This can only be redeemed once per month using it more than once will result in being billed for the full amount of your booking. Same rescheduling fees apply to discounted bookings.

With your Photographer Website Profile:

A clickable profile on the Wild Oak Website that is linked for clients to book you.

Image showcased of your work (some images must have been taken at Wild Oak).

Any other content you would like to add (about you - etc).

Once you purchase within five business days you will get an email with a form to fill out of all the information we need to create your photographer profile. If you cancel your subscription your profile will be removed. Profiles are placed on website in the order of who subscribes & by genre.

No refunds will be given.

We will send you a form to fill out within three business days so we have your information on file. With your gallery submission there must be photos that you have taken at Wild Oak, this is a requirement.