
Intentional Butterfly Coaching

3 Months - 6 Sessions

per month for 3 months ($600.00 total)
This package works great for clients who are busy but also committed to personal growth and setting 1-3 goals in the short term. Getting together every other week allows time to do some work and reflect between sessions. Sessions are scheduled for one hour each.

3 Months - 9 Sessions

per month for 3 months ($675.00 total)
This package works great for clients who would ideally love to get together weekly to make progress on personal growth and goals, but life happens and sometimes it's hard to do anything consistently every week. There is always the option to add on single sessions as needed. Sessions are scheduled for one hour each.

Signature Package

per month for 5 months ($900.00 total)
This package works best for clients who are highly motivated to take a deep look at all the areas of their life and want to make significant changes or improvement in their life's fulfillment. The number of sessions in this package should be between 10 and 15 sessions, and will be driven by the client's pace. All sessions must be used within a six month time period. Sessions are scheduled for one hour each.