MANNA Method | Fascia Health

  • MANNA Method | Fascia Health Starter Package


    This package sets you up for fascia health. It consists of: - 1, 30 minute consultation - 1, 55 minute fascia release session - A follow up via email a week to discuss how to proceed with the work.

  • MANNA Method | Fascia Health Ultimate Package


    Over the next six months, embark on a journey to explore and master the art of fascia release. This program offers you a monthly, one-on-one experience where you’ll gain a profound understanding of your body’s connective tissue network. By the end of this journey, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge, techniques, and confidence to maintain a lifetime of fascia freedom and ultimate healing. This package includes: - 1: 30 minute consultation - 6: 55 minute fascia release sessions. - A follow up via email one week after each session, to fine-tune the work and answer any questions.

  • MANNA Method | * Additional Fascia Release Session


    If you are wanting to add more roll-outs to your practice, let's schedule another session! <b>* This session may only be purchased after purchasing the MANNA Method | Fascia Health Package.<b></b></b>