Blood Test & Scan Packages

  • Follicle Tracking + AMH Package


    Save £20 with this package, which includes a Follicle Tracking scan with one of our Gynaecology Ultrasound specialists and our Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) Blood Test. Follicle tracking is a method used to predict the time of ovulation through a series of both abdominal and internal (transvaginal) scans. The intention is to assess both the size and number of follicles and the thickness of the endometrium (the lining of the uterus). This is useful for those seeking IVF treatment abroad - typically Follicle Tracking scans are done prior to travel. The AMH blood test includes a blood draw in our clinic which will then be sent off for analysis.

  • Pelvic Wellbeing Menopause Package


    Save £25 with this package, which includes a Pelvic Wellbeing scan with one of our Gynaecology Ultrasound specialists and our comprehensive Menopause Hormone Profile blood test measuring 13 individual biomarkers. The Pelvic Wellbeing scan involves an assessment of the health of the uterus, ovaries and endometrial lining, including an estimate of your ovulation window and measuring the thickness of the endometrium. The Menopause Hormonal Profile blood test covers 13 different biomarkers across the following categories: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Free Thyroxine Free Tri-iodothyronine Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibody Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody Oestradiol Follicle Stimulating Hormone Luteinising Hormone Progesterone Prolactin Testosterone Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Free Androgen Index

  • Pelvic Wellbeing PCOS Package


    Save £35 with this package, which includes a Pelvic Wellbeing scan with one of our Gynaecology Ultrasound specialists and our comprehensive Fertility Panel blood test measuring over 50 individual biomarkers. The Pelvic Wellbeing scan involves an assessment of the health of the uterus, ovaries and endometrial lining, including an estimate of your ovulation window and measuring the thickness of the endometrium. The PCOS blood test covers over 50 different biomarkers across the following categories: Thyroid Health Hormonal Health Vitamin Health Full Blood Count Iron Status Liver Health Diabetes Health Stress Heart Health Kidney Health Infection + Inflammation

  • Pelvic Wellbeing Fertility Package


    Save £20 with this package, which includes a Pelvic Wellbeing scan with one of our Gynaecology Ultrasound specialists and our comprehensive Fertility Panel blood test measuring 57 individual biomarkers. The Pelvic Wellbeing scan involves an assessment of the health of the uterus, ovaries and endometrial lining, including an estimate of your ovulation window and measuring the thickness of the endometrium. The Fertility Panel blood test covers 57 different biomarkers across the following categories: Thyroid Health Hormonal Health Vitamin Health Full Blood Count Iron Status Liver Health Diabetes Health Stress Heart Health Kidney Health Infection + Inflammation

  • Pelvic Wellbeing Fertility + AMH Package


    Save £35 with this package, which includes a Pelvic Wellbeing scan with one of our Gynaecology Ultrasound specialists and our comprehensive Fertility Panel blood test measuring 58 individual biomarkers. The Pelvic Wellbeing scan involves an assessment of the health of the uterus, ovaries and endometrial lining, including an estimate of your ovulation window and measuring the thickness of the endometrium. The Fertility Panel blood test covers 58 different biomarkers across the following categories: Thyroid Health Hormonal Health Vitamin Health Full Blood Count Iron Status Liver Health Diabetes Health Stress Heart Health Kidney Health Infection + Inflammation