Community Membership Levels

  • Aspen

    $10.00 per year

    Aspen trees are the first to re-populate a disturbed area and teach us to overcome our fears of the unknown. You are helping us cover our software subscription and development costs. Thank you! "As the wind passes through the aspen leaves, they whisper a message of peace: listen within yourself and find comfort in (...) the voice of the spirit moving through the silence within us. " -Jane Gifford from the Wisdom of Trees

  • Fir

    $30.00 per year

    The everlasting nature of the Fir tree is a symbol of hope, resiliency and longevity. You are keeping the Missing Corner alive by helping us meet our basic operational costs of maintaining a brick-and-mortar neighborhood gathering place. Thank you! In her book, Finding the Mother Tree, Suzanne Simard beautifully explains how at the center of a healthy forest stands a Mother Tree: an old-growth matriarch that acts as a hub of nutrients shared by trees of different ages and species linked together via a vast underground fungal network. The message: forest communities share resources in times of stress and we should too.

  • Oak

    $60.00 per year

    The oak tree is a keeper of great wisdom and offers power, strength and longevity. You are keeping the Missing Corner vibrant by helping us meet our our operational costs of maintaining a brick-and-mortar neighborhood gathering place. Thank you! "The oak tree’s roots go deep and wide, A symbol of strength, of life, and pride. Its branches shelter those below, And in its shade, we find repose." -Excerpt from "Majesty of the Oak" , Anonymous

  • Cedar

    $120.00 per year

    The cedar tree roots us to our past and is a central resource to life and community as anything. Your membership helps cover costs and increases our ability to offer our community new amenities and services. Your generosity is appreciated. This story about the Cedar Tree was told to Molly Larkin by Bear Heart: “A long time ago, there lived a human being who always went out of his way to help the people of his village. When the elders could no longer hunt for themselves, he would bring them food. A young couple getting married could count on him to help make their tipi poles and gather the hides needed to cover their lodge. If a child’s family was killed, he would take that child in and raise it as his own. And there were many more good deeds he performed that no one knew of, because he never sought praise or attention for his actions. Every day he remained alert to what he could do to help his tribe, and he did so with good humor and enthusiasm. Many years went by in this way and all the while the Creator watched this man and took note of his virtues. At long last, when the man’s hair had turned to snow, and the days ahead were becoming fewer, the Creator thought, ‘All these years I’ve watched him help my people. I could use someone like him to be helping out all the time. I’m going to immortalize him. So the Creator turned the man into a cedar tree.”

  • Sequoia

    $500.00 per year

    The sequoias, some of the largest and longest-lived beings on our planet, help remind us to build a strong foundations so we can dream big and reach the heavens. "A Tall Story" Reaching for the stars giganteum ambassadors of a lost age by Brian Strand