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Dissection 4-Pack

Suitable for 5 y.o. and up, dissections at Little Beakers are a fantastic, educational and hands-on experience. All participants will use age-appropriate tools to examine the internal and external anatomy of selected specimens.

In addition to the actual dissection, participants will make their own take-home slides and create a take-home paper model of the subject specimen.

Dissection 6-Pack

Suitable for 5 y.o. and up, dissections at Little Beakers are a fantastic, educational and hands-on experience. All participants will use age-appropriate tools to examine the internal and external anatomy of selected specimens.

In addition to the actual dissection, participants will make their own take-home slides and create a take-home paper model of the subject specimen.

Dissection 10-Pack

Suitable for 5 y.o. and up, dissections at Little Beakers are a fantastic, educational and hands-on experience. All participants will use age-appropriate tools to examine the internal and external anatomy of selected specimens.

In addition to the actual dissection, participants will make their own take-home slides and create a take-home paper model of the subject specimen.