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Gift Certificates

Gift Certificate - Energy Quartet

In Energy Quartets, I combine an ancient Japanese form of acupressure called Jin Shin Jyutsu with intuitive healing, embodied energy work, and Akashic Records readings for those over 18.

I address both the cause and effect of any body, mind, or spirit disharmony, inviting problems to shift out of my clients' lives entirely. Deep relaxation is a common short-term benefit of a session but increasing harmony long-term on all levels is the true focus of my work.

Gift Certificate - Energy Solo

The Akashic Records are an archive and blueprint of every soul’s journey through all lifetimes. They contain information on every aspect of life such as work, family, relationships, particular challenges and gifts, and much more.

Gift Certificate - Energy Trio

Session combining energetic Jin Shin Jyutsu, Intuitive Healing, and Embodied Energy work which lasts approximately 60 minutes.

Note: This session type does not include an Akashic Records reading and is appropriate for children under 18 since they cannot receive readings.