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IV Packages

Basic IV 5-Pack

Fluids for the win. IV fluids come in handy when you need to quick fluid and electrolyte repletion.

With this package you will get 5 x The Basic IV Drips at a discount.

Hangover IV 5-Pack

Work hard, play hard? Let us help. Prepare for your upcoming consecutive events season.

This package is 5x The Hangover IV Drips at a discount.

Rona Recovery IV 5-Pack

This drip will help you both to prevent and to recover from illness. In order to fully heal, it is often necessary to receive multiple treatments to ensure you are not sidelined with any lingering effects of illness.

The package gives 5x the Rona Recovery IV Drips at a discount.

Chill Pill IV 5-Pack

How bout this: 5x The Chill at a discount.

If you suffer from migraines, headaches or are chronically stressed this IV drip is you best ally.
Targeted vitamins, minerals and electrolytes can help keep you chilled and help to ease (or prevent) your pain.

Glow IV 5-Pack

There's nothing better than feeling your best when you really want to shine. Keep this package handy as your 'secret weapon' to glow like you're on the Red Carpet. This drip will give you energy, immunity and glowing skin.

This package is 5x The Glow IV Drips at a discount.

Classic IV 5-Pack

This is our most well-rounded IV drip modeled after the "Meyers cocktail".
It helps with energy, immunity, recovery, methylation, detoxification and treats everything from stress, illness, allergies, hangovers and headaches.

This package you will get 5x The Classic IV Drips at a discount.

The Detox IV 5-Pack

With this package you will get 5x the DetoxIV Drips at a discount.

Shield IV 5-Pack

Keep this package handy for travel, illness, seasonal allergies or stress. Higher doses off B complex, B12, Vitamin C and aminos will keep your immune system strong. Fortify.

This package gets 5x The Shield IV Drips at a discount.

The Allergist 5 pack

With this package you will get 5x The Allergist IV Drips.
This drip is most effective before allergies start and/or done in a series.

A Game IV 5-Pack

Athletes, weekend warriors, and people who go hard, so include bigger doses of B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Amino acids, and Acetyl L carnitine which is known for both cognitive and fitness benefits. This drip will improve physical and mental performance, aid cellular recovery, and prevent or ease sore, cramping muscles so you can stay on your “A” game. With this package you will get 5x The Athlete "A Game" IV Drips.

Whole Shebang IV 5-Pack

This drip covers all your bases and is sure to get you back in action and feeling fantastic. This full liter bag includes bigger doses of VItamin C, B complex, B12, as well as Magnesium, Amino acids, and Glutathione to help with recovery, shortened duration of illness, cognition, fatigue, detoxification, skin health, immunity and deficiencies. Boom.
With this package you will get 5x The Whole Shebang IV Drips.

High Vitamin C- 5 pack

This formula is utilized to address chronic persistent infections and to support patients undergoing cancer treatments. It has been shown to reduce treatment side effects and improve quality of life. Patients often report increased energy and wellbeing within 2-4 treatments. It is usually administered in a series of 4-6 infusions once or twice per week.

NAD 250 MG IV 5 pack

With this package you will get 5x NAD IV 250 mg Drips.

NAD 500 MG IV 5 pack

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide is a cofactor in our cells and is essential to healthy mitochondrial function. Maintaining healthy mitochondrial function is key to vitality and energy. Levels of NAD decline as we age and is considered a major contributor to accelerated aging. After receiving this IV drip, people report increased energy, sense of calm and brain acuity. NAD drips can help restore mitochondrial function, and thus energy and vitality - inside & out.
This drips takes between 2-4 hours depending on dose and tolerance.

With this package you will get 5x NAD IV 500 mg Drips at a discount.