Maria Verdeschi


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Intuitive Coaching Sessions

Intuitive Coaching Sessions ~ Package of 4

This package is for 4 intuitive coaching sessions. One per week for 4 weeks. Each session is personally designed for you and your needs on breaking through the wall so you can keep moving forward in life. I will be calling you once a week. Each session is an hour long will be tailored to your needs.

Intuitive Coaching Sessions ~ Package of 8

This package is for 8 intuitive coaching sessions. One per week for 8 weeks. Each session is personally designed for you and your needs on breaking through the wall so you can keep moving forward in life. I will be calling you once a week. Each session is an hour long will be tailored to your needs.

Intuitive Coaching Sessions ~ Package of 16

This package is for 16 intuitive coaching sessions. One per week for 16 weeks. Each session is personally designed for you and your needs on breaking through the wall so you can keep moving forward in life. I will be calling you once a week. Each session is an hour long will be tailored to your needs.