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Marci Moberg Packages

Ritual Microdosing Mentoring

A fusion of plant spirit work and micodosing, this six-week journey simultaneously supports you to establish a microdosing practice and develop an intentional relationship with the sacred fungi. All informed by my unique two lens approach I call ritual microdosing. Whether you are new to microdosing or have experience, let’s develop a protocol and practice that will serve your unique needs. Explore what dose and protocol serves your journey. Design a well-crafted intention to focus and anchor your practice. Relate to the sacred fungi as a teaching consciousness from day 1.

Learn practices to bring your insights into your everyday life. Sessions build on each other. Deepening your intimacy with the sacred fungi and their teachings. This package includes an infusion of some of my most beloved practices including dreamwork, self-led rituals, somatics, parts work, and plant spirit communication.

Ritual Microdosing Prep, Check-in, and Integration Bundle

A three session bundle designed to support you at key points in your microdosing journey. Informed by my unique two-lens approach called ritual microdosing. Our first session is designed to prepare you for the journey. We'll craft a potent intention, design an opening ritual, create a personal protocol for your weeks ahead, and discuss how you can develop a personal relationship with the sacred fungi. Our second session happens mid-way through your microdose journey. This session is an opportunity to reflect on your insights to date, to deepen your journey with daily rituals, and answer any questions you may have. Our final session closes your round of microdosing to integrate the lessons you learned along the way, discuss how you can continue your relationship with the sacred fungi beyond microdosing, and explore where your unique path is calling you next.

Psilocybin Journey Preparation Bundle

Clarify and set intentions. Compassionately meet fear or resistance. Deepen your somatic skills to flow with the medicine. Recognize sacred messages in your waking life and the dreamtime. Package includes three 60 minute sessions.

Psilocybin Journey Integration Bundle

Unpack and deepen insights from your ceremony. Make meaning of important images and messages. Nurture tender parts of yourself. Design self-led rituals to ground wisdom. Explore inspired action.

Package: three 60-minute sessions.

The time immediately following a sacred medicine journey is an important window of opportunity. Together we will unpack the experience, deepen insights, make meaning, and explore inspired action to embody your transformation. Packages of sessions empower us to build on work in previous sessions. As well as to meet emerging topics, questions, themes, and material as you integrate your experience.

During this work I support you to:

Consciously work with important images and messages received in your ceremony to deepen their healing.
Cultivate a mindset to continue listening to the medicine. Medicine work does not just end with the ceremony. Sacred plant spirits continue teaching in your life beyond ceremony and regardless of ingestion.
Incorporate intentional dreamwork to continue connecting dots and recognize new messages.
Design self-led ceremonies and rituals to deepen exploration and integrated embodiment.
Create daily practices to reconnect you to the wisdom the medicine shared.
Practice meditation techniques to strengthen your connection to important healing moments.
Skillfully work with psychological and emotional material that surface post ceremony.
Allow the emergence of further insight and listen for inspired action.

Integration sessions will empower you to:

Take inspired action at a balanced pace to honor your emerging truth.
Self-resource connection from your inner healing/wisdom.
Weave your wisdom from your ceremony into your every day life.
Infuse the insight shared from the sacred medicine into your daily decisions.
Realign aspects of your life with new or reordered values.
Deepen your self-awareness and reflection.
Continue your deep healing and spiritual growth journey beyond the ceremony.

Psilocybin Journey Preparation + Integration Package

Comprehensive preparation and integration to support a sacred psilocybin ceremony. Clarify and set intentions. Compassionately meet fear, resistance, and tender parts of yourself. Deepen your somatic skills to flow with the medicine. And recognize sacred messages you’re already receiving in your waking life and the dreamtime.

Unpack and deepen insights from your ceremony. Make meaning of important images and messages. Design self-led rituals to ground wisdom. Explore inspired action to embody your transformation.

Package: three preparation and three integration sessions.

Unlock Your Dreamworld Package

Develop a personal relationship with your dreamworld over six weeks together. Dreamwork is one of my most beloved personal spiritual practices and ways of working professionally with clients. Whether you are new to dreamwork or an experienced practitioner, this mentorship will enrich your dream life.

Together we can:

Deepen your ability to interpret your dreams.
Unlock hidden meanings and messages.
Learn diverse frameworks for interpreting dream meanings.
Unpack dreams together live in session.
Dive into the spiritual and transpersonal nature of the dreamworld.
Explore meaningful dream rituals to receive ongoing guidance for your unique path.
Infuse plant spirit work into your dream practices to deepen your relationships with favorite plant teachers.

Plant Spirit Mentorship Package

Together over six weeks together we'll deepen your relationship with a specific plant or fungi spirit. Similar to a plant dieta process, this package includes an intentional container and dedicated time to build a relationship with a plant teacher. And different than a traditional dieta because in this mentorship you will not be ingesting the plant. The process I lead you through is an intuitive process that evolved from my own close relationships to plants first as a folk herbalist and later as a plant medicine practioner. Together we will explore techniques that support plant spirit experiences, connection, and communication without ingestion.

Andrea Langlois Packages

Journeyer Package for Preparation and Integration

This package is to support you in preparing and integrating your retreat or experience with psychedelics or plant/fungi medicines. In the first session, we will clear the way, supporting you to develop an intention for your process. In the second session, we will focus on integration of the experience, supporting you to find clarity and re-integrate into the systems you are a part of. This may include disentangling family patterns and dynamics that no longer serve. In the final step we will work to orient you with your emerging future.

Mentorship Package

If you are interested in learning more about systemic principles and how to apply them to your life or work, this package will offer a mentorship approach. While we work to explore issues or goals in your life, you will also be provided with an understanding of the underlying orders that guide systems so that you can deepen your ability to co-create with life.

The Freedom Sessions

This package is to support you with unblocking persistent patterns in your life. We will work together over 3 sessions to identify and resolve entanglements in your ancestral lines or in the broader system that are serving as blocks to connecting to your full potential.

Examples of what can be addressed include:

- Releasing patterns and unlocking flow around relationships, money, work, love, place, creativity, and more

- Finding closure in personal and familial issues (known and unknown)

- Supporting with transitions and connecting to purpose and full potential

- Facing and integrating endings

- Opening creativity and innovation

- Support with problem solving and decision-making

Chris Rodman Packages

The Rise and Shine Crucible: 3 Month Game Changer

8 x 60 minutes sessions over the course of 3 months:

We will develop a strategy to unlock your brilliance by discovering what your dreams are, what is in the way, and what you need in order to rise into your brilliance and live your dreams.

David F. Gomes Packages

Introduction Package

Dip your toes in. See how you feel about working and test drive the process and how we work together.

3 Months Support

My process integrates 3 principles: fulfillment, mindfulness, and empowerment. In our time together we will craft a map for your journey, incubate new ideas and take a deep look into your operating system, with compassion and understanding.

3 Months Support - Intensive

A deep dive with a powerful and flexible process for transformation that I have been honing for 30 years.

Devon B Walker Packages

Ayahuasca Integration

6 sessions. 3 to prepare for the ceremony and 3 to integrate your experience. Work with intention. Prepare your body, mind, and spirit. Afterward, transform your daily life through regular practice, powerful tools, and new ways of perceiving.

Psilocybin Microdosing Coaching

This 10-week program is designed to enhance and support your Psilocybin microdosing journey and provides you with regular support, tools, and expertise as we work with your intentions to focus the force of this medicine in your daily life.

Emilie Button Packages

4 x Psychedelic Preparation and Integration

I will guide you into bringing unconscious patterns to light, finding inner peace, deepening your connection to your authentic self, rekindling with your intuition, becoming in touch with your body's wisdom, and giving you all the tools you will ever need to become your own healer.

Package includes 4 sessions with me.

4 x Counselling Sessions

I will guide you into bringing unconscious patterns to light, finding inner peace, deepening your connection to your authentic self, rekindling with your intuition, becoming in touch with your body's wisdom, and giving you all the tools you will ever need to become your own healer.

Package includes 4 sessions with me.

Erin Rose Ward Packages

Ceremony Package

This package is support pre and post-medicine ceremonies, includes 3 sessions before your ceremony and 3 sessions after.

The Alchemy Package

10 x 1:1 sessions to support you anytime you are looking to dive deep and expand from the inside out. Sessions can include pre-ceremony support and integration, or can be used for personal processing outside of plant medicine work.

Gillian Maxwell

Immersive Integration Package

I am offering a package of 6 sessions to help you process your experiences more profoundly. We will develop a strategy and a path forward together to unlock the teachings and gifts of the experience.

Kali Slate Packages

Psychedelic Coaching Package

Many people are turning to psychedelic-assisted therapy to deepen or advance their healing journey. Initially, I will help you understand both the benefits and cautions of working with psychedelics and determine if this approach is a good fit for you. Once you decide to pursue this path, we will work together on holistic preparation for your experience, including setting intentions and developing skills to support your journey.

After your journey, we will focus on integrating the experience by making meaning of it and creating actionable steps to support positive changes during the integration phase.

Sexual Trauma Recovery Process - 10 Sessions

Throughout our time together, we will delve into how your sexual trauma history has affected you, creating somatic, cognitive and relational imprints. We will work on establishing a new foundation through skills development, inquiry practices, and visioning to support your recovery. Our exploration will cover three key phases:

- Assessing the Impact of Trauma
- Building a New Foundation
- Envisioning New Possibilities

Payment plans available for this package, please contact us at hello@nectara.co for more information.

Sexual Trauma Recovery Process - 15 Sessions

Throughout our time together, we will delve into how your trauma history has affected you, creating both somatic, cognitive and relational imprints. We will work on establishing a new foundation through skills development, inquiry practices, and visioning to support your recovery. Our exploration will cover three key phases:

- Assessing the Impact of Trauma
- Building a New Foundation
- Envisioning New Possibilities

Payment plans available for this package, please contact us at hello@nectara.co for more information.

Sexual Trauma Recovery Process - 20 Sessions (Copy)

Throughout our time together, we will delve into how your sexual trauma history has affected you, creating somatic, cognitive and relational imprints. We will work on establishing a new foundation through skills development, inquiry practices, and visioning to support your recovery. Our exploration will cover three key phases:

- Assessing the Impact of Trauma
- Building a New Foundation
- Envisioning New Possibilities

Payment plans available for this package, please contact us at hello@nectara.co for more information.

Trauma Recovery Process - 10 Sessions

Throughout our time together, we will delve into how your trauma history has affected you, creating both somatic, cognitive and relational imprints. We will work on establishing a new foundation through skills development, inquiry practices, and visioning to support your recovery. Our exploration will cover three key phases:

- Assessing the Impact of Trauma
- Building a New Foundation
- Envisioning New Possibilities

Payment plans available for this package, please contact us at hello@nectara.co for more information.

Trauma Recovery Process - 15 Sessions

Throughout our time together, we will delve into how your trauma history has affected you, creating both somatic, cognitive and relational imprints. We will work on establishing a new foundation through skills development, inquiry practices, and visioning to support your recovery. Our exploration will cover three key phases:

- Assessing the Impact of Trauma
- Building a New Foundation
- Envisioning New Possibilities

Payment plans available for this package, please contact us at hello@nectara.co for more information.

Trauma Recovery Process - 20 Sessions

Throughout our time together, we will delve into how your trauma history has affected you, creating both somatic, cognitive and relational imprints. We will work on establishing a new foundation through skills development, inquiry practices, and visioning to support your recovery. Our exploration will cover three key phases:

- Assessing the Impact of Trauma
- Building a New Foundation
- Envisioning New Possibilities

Payment plans available for this package, please contact us at hello@nectara.co for more information.

Lindsay Kay Thompson Packages


2 preparation sessions and 2 integration sessions to receive greater 1:1 support on either end of your journey, and weave it gracefully into your life. Each session is 60 minutes.


3 preparation sessions and 3 integration sessions to receive even deeper 1:1 support on either end of your journey, and weave it gracefully into your life. Each session is 60 minutes.


4 preparation sessions and 4 integration sessions to receive even deeper 1:1 support on either end of your journey, and weave it gracefully into your life. Each session is 60 minutes.

Michael Jeffery Packages

Pre and Post Journey Support

One preparation session and one integration session for a psychedelic journey.

Mijal Schmidt Packages

Preparation / Integration Sessions

This is specially designed for those who have a clear and precise purpose and want to get tools to make the most of the intake. A preparation and integration support package for your psychedelic journey consisting of 5 sessions.

Nigel Pedlingham Packages

Full Medicine Journey with Preparation, Psilocybin Ceremony, Integration (Amsterdam, and supported with live/online support)

Thank you for booking the full medicine journey programme with me. This programme is a tailored one-to-one service, guiding individuals through a contemplating preparation process, a private psilocybin truffle ceremony and guided journey, through to integration.

Here's what to expect for the flow of this programme, we can discuss this in more detail in person as well:

Contemplation, Reflection, Intentions
Contemplative process and preparation guidance materials (self-work)
1:1 Preparation session 1 - intake, preparation and intention setting 1 (1.5hrs)
1:1 Preparation session 2 - reflections, intentions,mindful practice (1.5 hrs)

Psychedelic ceremony and guided journey
Full day private guided truffle ceremony
Hosted in beautiful loft location in central Amsterdam

Light integration and reflection session (day after ceremony)
Further integration and reflection session (2-4 weeks)
Integration guide
Invitation to integration community circles

Important: Please note this is a non-residential programme. On the day of ceremony, participants return to their accommodation of choice (local hotel/bnb/living place)

Plant Medicine Bundle

1 x Preparation session plus 1 x Integration session (2x60 minutes)

This package is also available in-person with Nigel in Amsterdam, NL.

Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Bundle (3 sessions)

Three integration sessions - This bundle offers a sequence of three personalized sessions, each building upon the last, to provide you with a comprehensive and cohesive path toward healing and self-discovery.

This package is also available in-person with Nigel in Amsterdam, NL.

Somatic Plant Medicine Integration Bundle (5 sessions)

5 session bundle for integration - This bundle offers a sequence of five personalized sessions, each building upon the last, to provide you with a comprehensive and cohesive path toward healing and self-discovery.

This package is also available in-person with Nigel in Amsterdam, NL.

Ona Praderas

Creative Integration Package

This is a unique package at a reduced rate for those who want a deeper understanding of their inner journey and uses the same integration approach as my individual sessions. The sessions incorporate the power of natural movement, storytelling, and creativity to maximize the potential benefits while navigating the impact of challenging experiences. These sessions help regulate inner journeys and integrate insights into daily life.

Imagery Integration Package

This is a unique package at a reduced rate for those who want a deeper understanding of their inner journey and uses the creation of custom images that resonate with the messages you received during an inner journey. By combining your ideas, my artistic background, and AI we can create imagery that can help you to visually integrate inner journey experiences.

* Note: Alternative sessions can be booked to help you create a full custom psychedelic storybook (prints and shipping charged separately).

Simone Mackay

Harmony Within: Soul Alignment & Integration Journey

A 4-session program for your psychedelic or plant medicine journey. Initially, we navigate preparation, aligning with your calling, setting intentions, and exploring your felt-sense of safety and connecting with your resources for a fulfilling experience. Depending on your needs, together, we may also explore your options for choosing a safe retreat center or ceremony facilitator, better understand your dietary needs, and manage any fears or uncertainties you may have.

Post-ceremony or retreat, integration sessions employ somatic practices for healing and growth across body, mind, and soul. I provide guidance for behavioral and habit shifts, trauma management, post-ceremony adjustments, and may delve into the profound wisdom of the plant world.

This package includes two immersive Yoga Nidra meditations. These guided meditations aim to enhance your preparation and integration, offering a powerful tool for aligning with your inner wisdom and facilitating a more harmonious connection with your transformative journey. These sessions along with the yoga nidra meditations aim to deeply align you with your soul's path.

Each session is 75 min.
Yoga Nidra meditations are 30-40min each in length.

Inner Compass: Psychedelic Discovery & Integration Quest

Intention-Setting, Preparation & Integration

This program is divided across 2 sessions to support you in the preparation and integration phases. It’s designed to assist you as you embark on your journey with psychedelics or plant medicines.
In the preparation phase, I guide you in following your calling, selecting what feels right for you, and setting intentions while growing a felt-sense of safety and providing resources for a fulfilling experience. Depending on your needs, together, we may also explore your options for choosing a safe retreat center or ceremony facilitator, better understand your dietary needs, and manage any fears or uncertainties you may have.
In the integration phase, I offer supportive practices to gracefully integrate your ceremony experiences, encouraging personal growth through somatic and embodiment practices for positive transformations at the levels of body, mind, heart, and soul. I may provide guidance for behavioral changes, trauma management, and coping with post-ceremony adjustments.

Sophie-Charlotte Adler

In-Person: Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (Berlin, Germany)

KAH should be understood as a helpful catalyst in ongoing psychotherapy and, especially in cases of long-term depression, can open a window of opportunity for valuable therapeutic interventions. The trance state evoked by hypnosis is a helpful complement to the dissociative ketamine state. In this altered state of consciousness, free from usual thinking patterns, beliefs, and emotions, enriched by completely new experiences, possibilities, and permissions, it becomes easier to perceive, recognize, and change stuck life patterns.

KAH stands for "Ketamine assisted Hypnotherapy." This therapeutic approach, which combines the potentials of ketamine infusion therapy, hypnosis and psychotherapy, can be highly effective to treat several conditions like depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, compulsions, trauma, PTSD, eating disorders, addictions, and pain or, in general, to loosen rigid neural structures and promote new connections.
The effects last for days to months, sometimes even years. Ketamine apparently improves neuroplasticity. Clients thus are more open to psychotherapy and long-term change.

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that we administer as an infusion under medical supervision and within a very gentle, protective setting. With an effect duration of approximately 40 to 50 minutes, Ketamine produces a change in consciousness on several levels: Mental, emotional, as well as physical sensations can break free from their everyday, even stuck structures and comprehensively re-sort themselves through the gentle, yet targeted, impulses of the accompanying hypnotherapeutic guidance. Ketamine, like other psychoactive substances, seems to increase suggestibility, and thus also opens access and contact to the unconscious.

Afraid of “letting go”?

Often clients are very afraid of "letting go," that is, of the loss of control associated with ketamine. For this very reason, the ketamine infusion is prepared, accompanied and afterwards integrated by hypnosis and psychotherapy.

We place a very high value on a trusting client-therapist relationship and that you feel personally supported, protected and guided throughout the whole process. Therefore you don't need to be afraid of being alone with the potentially very intense feelings, perceptions and insights.
Ultimately, the goal is to allow and leverage these very same sensations to unfold their transformative potential.

How does the procedure look like?
Preliminary consultation and determination of suitability
Getting to know each other. Determination of topics, experiences, wishes, fears, possibilities and therapeutic goals.
Therapy Sessions: We work out your resources and set your therapy goals regarding your medical history and previous treatments.
Ketamine infusion of about 50 minutes with hypnotic and deep psychological guidance.
Integration: Recapture of the extraordinary experience and insights to integrate it into your everyday life.
Repetition: Individualized treatment with a series of repeated KAH sessions oriented on the client's process.

Although a smaller number of applications is possible, at least 6 KAH sessions are recommended, with one session consisting of preparation, hypnotherapy-guided ketamine infusion, and an integration session. The treatment can be intensive or stretched over a longer period of time.

In-Person: Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (Pirmasens (Rheinland-Pfalz) office)

KAH should be understood as a helpful catalyst in ongoing psychotherapy and, especially in cases of long-term depression, can open a window of opportunity for valuable therapeutic interventions. The trance state evoked by hypnosis is a helpful complement to the dissociative ketamine state. In this altered state of consciousness, free from usual thinking patterns, beliefs, and emotions, enriched by completely new experiences, possibilities, and permissions, it becomes easier to perceive, recognize, and change stuck life patterns.

KAH stands for "Ketamine assisted Hypnotherapy." This therapeutic approach, which combines the potentials of ketamine infusion therapy, hypnosis and psychotherapy, can be highly effective to treat several conditions like depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, compulsions, trauma, PTSD, eating disorders, addictions, and pain or, in general, to loosen rigid neural structures and promote new connections.
The effects last for days to months, sometimes even years. Ketamine apparently improves neuroplasticity. Clients thus are more open to psychotherapy and long-term change.

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic that we administer as an infusion under medical supervision and within a very gentle, protective setting. With an effect duration of approximately 40 to 50 minutes, Ketamine produces a change in consciousness on several levels: Mental, emotional, as well as physical sensations can break free from their everyday, even stuck structures and comprehensively re-sort themselves through the gentle, yet targeted, impulses of the accompanying hypnotherapeutic guidance. Ketamine, like other psychoactive substances, seems to increase suggestibility, and thus also opens access and contact to the unconscious.

Afraid of “letting go”?

Often clients are very afraid of "letting go," that is, of the loss of control associated with ketamine. For this very reason, the ketamine infusion is prepared, accompanied and afterwards integrated by hypnosis and psychotherapy.

We place a very high value on a trusting client-therapist relationship and that you feel personally supported, protected and guided throughout the whole process. Therefore you don't need to be afraid of being alone with the potentially very intense feelings, perceptions and insights.
Ultimately, the goal is to allow and leverage these very same sensations to unfold their transformative potential.

How does the procedure look like?
Preliminary consultation and determination of suitability
Getting to know each other. Determination of topics, experiences, wishes, fears, possibilities and therapeutic goals.
Therapy Sessions: We work out your resources and set your therapy goals regarding your medical history and previous treatments.
Ketamine infusion of about 50 minutes with hypnotic and deep psychological guidance.
Integration: Recapture of the extraordinary experience and insights to integrate it into your everyday life.
Repetition: Individualized treatment with a series of repeated KAH sessions oriented on the client's process.

Although a smaller number of applications is possible, at least 6 KAH sessions are recommended, with one session consisting of preparation, hypnotherapy-guided ketamine infusion, and an integration session. The treatment can be intensive or stretched over a longer period of time.

Tatiana Zdyb

Relationships Package

6 sessions @ 50-mins/session

Whether professional or personal, navigating relationships can be challenging. In general, we need three things have fulfilling and healthy relationships:

- To be accessible to the person we are in the relationship with (and to have access to them).
- To be engaged in the conversation we are having or activity we are participating in (and feel the other person is as well).
- To be responsive to their needs and wants (and have them demonstrate responsive to ours).

In-Person: Relationships Package (for London, Ontario only)

Whether professional or personal, navigating relationships can be challenging. In general, we need three things have fulfilling and healthy relationships:

- To be accessible to the person we are in the relationship with (and to have access to them).
- To be engaged in the conversation we are having or activity we are participating in (and feel the other person is as well).
- To be responsive to their needs and wants (and have them demonstrate responsive to ours).

Relationships Package - BIPOCS, LGBTQ+ and minority group pricing

Whether professional or personal, navigating relationships can be challenging. In general, we need three things have fulfilling and healthy relationships:

- To be accessible to the person we are in the relationship with (and to have access to them).
- To be engaged in the conversation we are having or activity we are participating in (and feel the other person is as well).
- To be responsive to their needs and wants (and have them demonstrate responsive to ours).

In-Person: Relationships Package - BIPOCS, LGBTQ+ and minority group pricing ( for London, Ontario only)

Whether professional or personal, navigating relationships can be challenging. In general, we need three things have fulfilling and healthy relationships:

- To be accessible to the person we are in the relationship with (and to have access to them).
- To be engaged in the conversation we are having or activity we are participating in (and feel the other person is as well).
- To be responsive to their needs and wants (and have them demonstrate responsive to ours).

Burnout Package


10 Sessions @ 50 minutes/session

Burnout is included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon despite not being classified as a medical condition. It is defined as follows: “Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

It is characterized by three dimensions:
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
reduced professional efficacy.”

The high prevalence of burnout is due in part to the social environments in which people work. More specifically in many occupational settings individuals:
- feel overworked
- lack control over what they do
- are insufficiently rewarded for their work
- experience a breakdown in community/connection
- are treated unfairly
- experience completing needs, values or both

This protocol for burnout is not just aimed at recovery. It aspires to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a values-based life. In so doing, it will pre-empt the loss of vitality characterized by burnout. While prevention is noble, it is an avoidant strategy in response to psychopathological orientation and therefore negative in its purpose. It is imperative to refocus the self-care and control over determinants of our health away from pathology towards health promotion and living authentically.

The protocol includes but is not limited to:

- Identification of motivational patterns, 1-2 sessions.
- Bringing conscious awareness to tendencies towards work-related endeavors as a form of avoidant coping and/or striving for a sense of self-worth/self-justification 2-5 sessions.
- Values to action exercises, 1-3 session with ongoing behaviour activation exercises.

In-Person: Burnout Package (for London, Ontario only)


Burnout is included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon despite not being classified as a medical condition. It is defined as follows: “Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

It is characterized by three dimensions:
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
reduced professional efficacy.”

The high prevalence of burnout is due in part to the social environments in which people work. More specifically in many occupational settings individuals:
- feel overworked
- lack control over what they do
- are insufficiently rewarded for their work
- experience a breakdown in community/connection
- are treated unfairly
- experience completing needs, values or both

This protocol for burnout is not just aimed at recovery. It aspires to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a values-based life. In so doing, it will pre-empt the loss of vitality characterized by burnout. While prevention is noble, it is an avoidant strategy in response to psychopathological orientation and therefore negative in its purpose. It is imperative to refocus the self-care and control over determinants of our health away from pathology towards health promotion and living authentically.

The protocol includes but is not limited to:

- Identification of motivational patterns, 1-2 sessions.
- Bringing conscious awareness to tendencies towards work-related endeavors as a form of avoidant coping and/or striving for a sense of self-worth/self-justification 2-5 sessions.
- Values to action exercises, 1-3 session with ongoing behaviour activation exercises.

Burnout Package - BIPOCS, LGBTQ+ and minority group pricing


Burnout is included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon despite not being classified as a medical condition. It is defined as follows: “Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

It is characterized by three dimensions:
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
reduced professional efficacy.”

The high prevalence of burnout is due in part to the social environments in which people work. More specifically in many occupational settings individuals:
- feel overworked
- lack control over what they do
- are insufficiently rewarded for their work
- experience a breakdown in community/connection
- are treated unfairly
- experience completing needs, values or both

This protocol for burnout is not just aimed at recovery. It aspires to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a values-based life. In so doing, it will pre-empt the loss of vitality characterized by burnout. While prevention is noble, it is an avoidant strategy in response to psychopathological orientation and therefore negative in its purpose. It is imperative to refocus the self-care and control over determinants of our health away from pathology towards health promotion and living authentically.

The protocol includes but is not limited to:

- Identification of motivational patterns, 1-2 sessions.
- Bringing conscious awareness to tendencies towards work-related endeavors as a form of avoidant coping and/or striving for a sense of self-worth/self-justification 2-5 sessions.
- Values to action exercises, 1-3 session with ongoing behaviour activation exercises.

In-Person: Burnout Package - BIPOCS, LGBTQ+ and minority group pricing (for London, Ontario only)


Burnout is included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as an occupational phenomenon despite not being classified as a medical condition. It is defined as follows: “Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

It is characterized by three dimensions:
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
reduced professional efficacy.”

The high prevalence of burnout is due in part to the social environments in which people work. More specifically in many occupational settings individuals:
- feel overworked
- lack control over what they do
- are insufficiently rewarded for their work
- experience a breakdown in community/connection
- are treated unfairly
- experience completing needs, values or both

This protocol for burnout is not just aimed at recovery. It aspires to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a values-based life. In so doing, it will pre-empt the loss of vitality characterized by burnout. While prevention is noble, it is an avoidant strategy in response to psychopathological orientation and therefore negative in its purpose. It is imperative to refocus the self-care and control over determinants of our health away from pathology towards health promotion and living authentically.

The protocol includes but is not limited to:

- Identification of motivational patterns, 1-2 sessions.
- Bringing conscious awareness to tendencies towards work-related endeavors as a form of avoidant coping and/or striving for a sense of self-worth/self-justification 2-5 sessions.
- Values to action exercises, 1-3 session with ongoing behaviour activation exercises.

Self-Esteem Package

12 sessions @ 50-mins/session

Self-esteem is operationalized by Nathanial Brandon, Ph.D. as “confidence in our ability to think, confidence in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life, and confidence in our right to be successful and happy, the feeling of being worthy, deserving and entitled.

The protocol includes but is not limited to:

Examining the extents to which you are:
- living with conscious awareness
- accepting yourself
- taking responsibility for your choices
- experiencing a sense of control over some of the determinants of your health
- being interpersonally effective
- creating meaning and purpose in your life

Personalized strategies informed by mental health promotion, clinical psychology, Stoic and existential philosophy to develop these areas more fully.

In-Person: Self-Esteem Package (for London, Ontario only)

Self-esteem is operationalized by Nathanial Brandon, Ph.D. as “confidence in our ability to think, confidence in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life, and confidence in our right to be successful and happy, the feeling of being worthy, deserving and entitled.

The protocol includes but is not limited to:

Examining the extents to which you are:
- living with conscious awareness
- accepting yourself
- taking responsibility for your choices
- experiencing a sense of control over some of the determinants of your health
- being interpersonally effective
- creating meaning and purpose in your life

Personalized strategies informed by mental health promotion, clinical psychology, Stoic and existential philosophy to develop these areas more fully.

Self-Esteem Package - BIPOCS, LGBTQ+ and minority group pricing

Self-esteem is operationalized by Nathanial Brandon, Ph.D. as “confidence in our ability to think, confidence in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life, and confidence in our right to be successful and happy, the feeling of being worthy, deserving and entitled.

The protocol includes but is not limited to:

Examining the extents to which you are:
- living with conscious awareness
- accepting yourself
- taking responsibility for your choices
- experiencing a sense of control over some of the determinants of your health
- being interpersonally effective
- creating meaning and purpose in your life

Personalized strategies informed by mental health promotion, clinical psychology, Stoic and existential philosophy to develop these areas more fully.

In-Person: Self-Esteem Package - BIPOCS, LGBTQ+ and minority group pricing (for London, Ontario only)

Self-esteem is operationalized by Nathanial Brandon, Ph.D. as “confidence in our ability to think, confidence in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life, and confidence in our right to be successful and happy, the feeling of being worthy, deserving and entitled.

The protocol includes but is not limited to:

Examining the extents to which you are:
- living with conscious awareness
- accepting yourself
- taking responsibility for your choices
- experiencing a sense of control over some of the determinants of your health
- being interpersonally effective
- creating meaning and purpose in your life

Personalized strategies informed by mental health promotion, clinical psychology, Stoic and existential philosophy to develop these areas more fully.

Troy McFadden

Preparation and Integration Package (3 x 60-Mins)


Signature Program: 6 Sessions @ 6 Weeks (6 x 60 minutes)

- 90-minute initial session
- ongoing WhatsApp Text and Audio Support
- “Breath is Everything” Online Program
- Customized Yoga Nidra Guided Meditations Available Upon Request