Meo Baaklini


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Members Only: Creative Coaching Call

Monthly Creative Coaching Call

per month
$50 per month, cancel anytime. (Reg rate is $75 per hour)

Book this for help with your creative business if you find yourself asking these questions:

"Can I take you to coffee and pick your brain?"
"How do I know what to charge?"
"What kind of packages should I offer?"
"How do I handle this client?"
"How should I market myself?

Members Only: Monthly Media Creation for Businesses

Mini Monthly Marketing or Design Support

You will be charged $150.00 when you purchase this, then $225.00 per month
Some of the creative work we can do with 4 hours:
-Newsletter creation
-Content for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest (Photo shoot not included in this package)
- Moderating for Instagram, Facebook or YouTube Lives (if schedule permits)
-Podcast assistance (recording, setup, description writing, turning audio clips into mini-videos)
-Copy, descriptions, hashtags, and captions help
- Access to royalty-free images for generic posts

FIRST MONTH'S PAYMENT: $150 (Trial period)
MONTHLY PAYMENT: $225 (up to 4 hours per month)
ADDITIONAL HOURS: $75/hr (Invoiced end of month)

Cancel or pause anytime.
One round of revisions included for graphics, additional revisions may be subject to additional editing fees of $15 per revision and will be invoiced separately.

Monthly Marketing or Design Support

You will be charged $225.00 when you purchase this, then $450.00 per month
Some of the creative work we can do with 10 hours:
-Newsletter creation
-Content for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest (Photo shoot not included in this package)
- Moderating for Instagram, Facebook or YouTube Lives (if schedule permits)
-Podcast assistance (recording, setup, description writing, turning audio clips into mini-videos)
-Copy, descriptions, hashtags, and captions help
- Access to royalty-free images for generic posts

FIRST MONTH'S PAYMENT: $225 (Trial period)
MONTHLY PAYMENT: $450 (up to 10 hours per month)
ADDITIONAL HOURS: $75/hr (Invoiced end of month)

Cancel or pause anytime.
One round of revisions included for graphics, additional revisions may be subject to additional editing fees of $15 per revision and will be invoiced separately.

LAUNCH (Photo Only)

Photo Only

For the business owner that needs regular, high-quality images for their brand.

Includes 4 hours/4 sessions ($2600 Value)

Priority Access of our Booking Calendar


Photo + Video

For the business owner that needs a media suite of available stock images, headshots, product shots, and videos for social media.

Includes up to 6 hours of coverage/3 shoots
2 Videos (over $4000 value)

FULL SUITE (Photo, Video, Website, Marketing Strategy)

Photo, Video, Website, Marketing, Podcast Setup, and more...

For the business owner that needs us to handle it everything from the shoot to the website build, to marketing strategies.

This flexible package will vary depending on your company's needs.
(over $6000 value)