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Multi Session Packages

4 Pack ~~~ Flow State Sessions 60 minute

Give yourself space and time for inner exploration, relaxation & conscious evolution with this 6 PACK of One Hour Flow State Sessions.

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens."
~ Carl Jung

You can share these with friends and loved ones, just use the code when you schedule.

3 Pack ~~~ 60 minute ~~ Deep Relaxation/Meditation ~ Alpha/Theta

In this module, those who are wanting to work with the intention of deeply embodied relaxation (not dissociating), nervous system regulation, building somatic awareness, decreasing pain, emotion re-patterning, clearing negative energy from multiple layers of the physical and non-physical bodies, breath awareness tuning, and the fuller journey through your personal healing process.

For those who are intending to work with the Meditation mind, what you experience during each session is to be brought to your stillness or movement meditation practice and applied in some way. It will happen naturally. Also consider that actively working with the insights uncovered with the acceleration these sessions invite you to embody is seriously more fun and densely insightful on many levels! We recommend those dedicated to their body wisdom practice do at least this 3 pack module before heading into gamma wave integration.

We highly recommend doing this with a friend or loved one, as it can be super connecting to have a shared but independent experience together that is this evocative and utterly creative. Much to talk about, so choose your partner
or group wisely; consider that stuff comes up eventually.

Intent is very important and should be considered by all participants at this level of practice.

3 Pack ~~~ 60 minute ~~ Your Sleeping Mind ~ (Delta Wave)

In this module, those who are wanting to work with the intention around supporting the process of sleep re-patterning. We will focus the sessions towards gently opening up the delta wave through entrainment. You will be encouraged to be open to extending your breathing range, lengthening the exhale gently, and more fully inhaling. The aim is to ease the transition from the waking mind to the sleeping mind.

We highly recommend doing this with a friend or loved one whom shares this intention, as it can be super connecting to have a shared but independent experience together that is this enjoyable and utterly restful. If desired, there can be much to share, so choose your partner or group wisely; consider that stuff comes up eventually.

Intent is very important and should be considered by all participants at this level of practice. Intent is not a destination, this module is not just about sleeping, it's also about all the stuff that comes up while in the decent to sleep and knowing how to let go over and over and over again.

3 Pack ~~~ 60 minute ~~The Cannon of Light ~ (Maximum)

In this module, those who know they want to work with the fullest intensity of the Lucia No. 3 to awaken and integrate the gamma brain wave state. We ask that you have completed at least 3 hours of flow state or the Meditation Module. That is the least amount of nervous system acclimatizing we can comfortably recommend.

The Gamma Brain Harmonic is still fairly new, but consider that 40hz has been proven to decalcify amyloid brain plaque, which means, it is highly likely to affect pineal gland decalcification. We highly recommend that you have a basic understanding supportive brain foods, hydration and electrolytes, and mineral supplementation.

We will focus the sessions towards gently opening up the Gamma brain harmonic through entrainment using the Lucia No. 3. You will be encouraged to be open to extending your breathing range, lengthening the exhale gently, and more fully inhaling. The aim is to ease the transition to a very different level of nervous system regulation and activation. This the Alice in Wonderland module, I can't accurately say what you will go through. It is completely your experience! Once you get to certain level of embodied relaxed awareness, there is no destination or map to follow, its your personal reality infolding and unfolding for three 1 hour sessions.

We highly recommend doing this module with a friend or loved one whom shares this intention, as it can be super connecting to have a shared but independent experience together that is this enjoyable and utterly creative. If desired, there can be much to share, so choose your partner or group wisely; consider that stuff comes up eventually, and there is no right or wrong way to have the experience of a Light Club Session.

Intent is very important and should be considered by all participants at this level of practice. Intent is not a destination, this module is not just about hurling you out of a cannon of light and seeing how far you go. Awareness is vast. This module is about accelerating your ability to dance with the edge of awareness as it expands as fast as your physiology can integrate it.

6 Pack ~~~ Flow State Sessions 60 minute

Give yourself space and time for inner exploration, relaxation & conscious evolution with this 6 PACK of One Hour Flow State Sessions.

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens."
~ Carl Jung

You can share these with friends and loved ones, just use the code when you schedule.

12 Pack ~~~ Flow State Sessions 60 minute

Give yourself the time and space for inner exploration, relaxation & conscious evolution with this 12 PACK of One Hour Flow State Sessions.

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens."
~ Carl Jung

You can share your session package with friends and loved ones, just use the code when you are scheduling them or having them schedule.