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Multiple Sessions (Discount)

Canine Skills - 3 Sessions

(Save $30) Three one-hour sessions, useful for focusing on a few skills (3-5 max, depending on complexity), or for additional sessions after a consult to move forward with the training plan. Client will receive a written summary along with relevant links and other resources within 48 hours of each session's end.

Once purchased, you will have 120 days to schedule and complete the sessions.

Canine Skills - 6 Sessions

(Save $130; buy 5 sessions, get one free) Six one-hour sessions, for those clients interested in introducing / refining multiple skills and potentially addressing some limited behavior concerns. Client will receive a written summary along with relevant links and other resources within 48 hours of each session's end.

Once purchased, you will have 120 days to schedule and complete the sessions.

Fear-Free - 3 Sessions

Three 1-hour sessions (save $50). Help reduce your pet's fear, anxiety, and stress surrounding veterinary care, grooming, handling, etc. Three sessions are aimed at teams who just need a little help working through their training plan, or those familiar with Fear-Free methods needing guidance on the next steps.

Fear-Free - 6 Sessions

Six 1-hour sessions (save $150, buy 5 sessions and get one free). Help reduce your pet's fear, anxiety, and stress surrounding veterinary care, grooming, handling, etc. Six sessions are aimed at teams needing assistance on multiple areas or those brand new to Fear-Free methods / behavior modification, to allow for comprehensive guidance, practice, and feedback.

Fear-Free Virtual - 3 Sessions

Save $25. Three 1-hour sessions, held over Zoom. Help reduce your pet's fear, anxiety, and stress surrounding veterinary care, grooming, handling, etc. Three sessions are aimed at teams who just need a little help working through their training plan, or those familiar with Fear-Free methods needing guidance on the next steps.

Fear-Free Virtual - 6 Sessions

Save $100. Six 1-hour sessions, held over Zoom. Help reduce your pet's fear, anxiety, and stress surrounding veterinary care, grooming, handling, etc. Six sessions are aimed at teams needing assistance on multiple areas or those brand new to Fear-Free methods / behavior modification, to allow for comprehensive guidance, practice, and feedback.

Puppy Skills - 3 Sessions

(Save $50) Three 45-60 minute sessions, for puppies 8-20 weeks old. Useful for clients who want guidance in multiple aspects of their puppy's development, such as socialization, teething, and housetraining, while also building the foundation for essential skills such as recall. Client will receive a written summary along with relevant links and other resources within 48 hours of each session's end.

Once purchased, you will have 120 days to schedule and complete the sessions.

Puppy Skills - 6 Sessions

(Save $125; buy 5 sessions, get one free) Five 45-60 minute sessions, for puppies 8-20 weeks old. Useful for clients who want guidance in all aspects of their puppy's development, including socialization, teething, housetraining, understanding canine body language, and building the foundation for essential skills such as recall and focus around distractions. Client will receive a written summary along with relevant links and other resources within 48 hours of each session's end.

Once purchased, you will have 120 days to schedule and complete the sessions.