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  • 2x Month: Online Membership

    $150.00 every 4 weeks

    Lessons Online! Membership good for Two Private Lessons (online) per billing cycle. Membership renews automatically every four weeks. *rate includes discount of $5/class for auto-pay*

  • 4x Month: Online Membership

    $280.00 every 4 weeks

    Lessons Online! Membership good for Four Private Lessons (online) per billing cycle. Membership renews automatically every four weeks. *rate includes discount of $5/class for auto-pay*

  • 8x Month: Online Membership

    $520.00 every 4 weeks

    Lessons Online! Membership good for Eight Private Lessons (online) per billing cycle. Membership renews automatically every four weeks. *rate includes discount of $5/class for auto-pay*