Leyline Consulting


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Elemental Direction

$20.00 initial setup plus $280.00 per month for 4 months ($1,140.00 total)
Personal Tune-ups are for the clients who are looking to make significant shifts to their Auric Field and Nervous system. We combine ENLP (Energetic Neurolinguistic Programming) with traditional African American Folk Medicine to cultivate immediate and prolonged shifts to your currently reality structure and to open more capacity to stay in the driver's seat!

- In-take Consultation to asses current themes in your life
- Four Personal Tune-Up Sessions
- Recordings of each session included
- Check-ins between session
- Downloadable Resources (Personalized Affirmations, Checklists, and systems for you)
- Tools and processes for running energy
- Exit consultation to transition to less support

Key Takeaways:
- Each Month is guided by a particular Elemental Medicine (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) so that we are taking our time to evolve their corresponding layers in your aura.

Sustained Integration

$30.00 initial setup plus $380.00 per month for 4 months ($1,550.00 total)
This package is for the client that is ready to shift the internal landscape. During the consultation, we'll take our time assessing imbalances in your energetic body, current themes in your life, weaving in correspondences from your natal chart, and devising an approach for personal transformation.

This package ensures that we can track your growth and make realistic adjustments over the course of 4 elemental seasons. In this way, we get to face each navigational direction and (N,S,E,W), and collaborate with their medicine.

What's Included:
- In-take consultation
- Additional Check in for adjustments
- One Astro Cartography Session
- One The Works
- One Personal Tune-ups
- Recordings for Each Session
- Insights/Best Practices for your constitution
- Transitional Consultation (45min zoom)
- Downloadable Resources (Personalized Affirmations, Checklists, and systems for you)

Key Takeaways:
- Deeper understanding of your Agreements within and across the Earth
- Working knowledge of how to use Astrology to handle personal transits
- Transitioning from our sessions with significant shifts to your personal landscape for the overall health of your Medicine Path
- Clear and practical tools for how to stay Sovereign with your energy beyond our sessions

*Book one session per month

Transforming the Pith

$40.00 initial setup plus $500.00 every 4 weeks for 24 weeks ($3,040.00 total)
This package is for the client who wants to completely evolve their capacity for meeting life's twists and turns. Transforming our core programming requires consistent support in the presence of a seasoned practitioner who can cleanly read your agreements, work with your guides + ancestors, and tend your individualized container while you blossom. As we deepen in our rapport, the shadow and blindspots will continue to soften their resistance to our work. As we conclude our time together, you will be re-mineralized and Sovereign within the momentum we've built.

What's included:
- 6 Personal Tune-Ups
- 1 Extended Astro-Cartography Session
- 1 Extended Gimme the Signs Session
- 2 Consultations (In-take and Exit)
- Check-ins between sessions
- Downloadable Resources (Personalized Affirmations, Checklists, and systems for you)
- Recordings for each session

- Life Coaching on unweaving from outdated reality structures that are no longer of benefit for your Medicine Path
- Practical and Esoteric Tools for self-regulation and Shadow Work
- Working knowledge of Astro-Cartography and your Agreements with the Earth
- Working knowledge of your Natal Chart and Personal Astrological transits
- Expanded window of tolerance when dealing with grief, overwhelm, and responsibility
- Deeper understanding of your personal constitution and Ancestral responsibilities

* Each Personal Tune-up will run from 90-120min and will build upon the previous session. Recommended to book one Personal Tune-up/month which may also include with one Astro-cartography or Gimme the Signs for that month.