Bianca Gabrielle


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EFT for Empaths & Highly Sensitives + Creatives: 5 Session Package

Thank you for trusting me with your EFT journey! 5 session packages give you space and structure around the issue(s) we will be working through.

EFT / 'Tapping' stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and is a Trauma Informed Energy Healing tool at the forefront of healing modalities. Simple and efficient, we stimulate a sequence of acupressure points with the light tapping of our fingers.

As we tap through various negative emotions and experiences, we release the stress keeping them in place, clear stagnant energy, allow the mind and body to heal and can begin to reprogram subconscious limiting beliefs that have you repeating unhealthy and outdated behaviors and patterns.

The life you are craving, one of alignment, flow and joy, is at the tip of your fingertips.

Let's get tapping.