
Self Love Academy: Payment Plans

Self Love Academy Payment Plan (Option 1)

every 2 weeks for 4 weeks ($565.00 total)
Self love is the medicine that the world needs now, more than ever before.

Your authentic embodiment of self-love contributes greatly to the healing of the planet. As you embark upon the journey of opening and deepening in your embodiment of self-love, you become a guiding light for others as they are inspired by your authentic example.

Self Love Academy Payment Plan (Option 2)

every 2 weeks for 8 weeks ($565.00 total)
Self love is the medicine that the world needs now, more than ever before.

Your authentic embodiment of self-love contributes greatly to the healing of the planet. As you embark upon the journey of opening and deepening in your embodiment of self-love, you become a guiding light for others as they are inspired by your authentic example.