
Strategy Packages - Coaching

The “Ask Me Anything"

The “Ask Me Anything." - Let’s Connect & get Personal

Do you need someone who’s been there to talk to— to wrap your head around a change, crisis, diagnosis, project, or idea?

From cancer diagnoses, surgeries, infertility, menopause, caregiving, divorce, remarriage, the adoptee experience, and grief to career changes, crisis management, and writing a book. I am available for you to pick my brain!

The Details: In this one-on-one session, you can ask Vanessa anything and jump-start your growth with encouragement, support, and an action plan to keep going.

The Thrive - 1:1 Coaching

Dig Deep + Gain Clarity + Grow

Work one-on-one with Vanessa who is an ICF (International Coaching Federation) Certified Life & Leadership Coach. Together you’ll redefine your dreams and goals while building a toolbox of insights, skills, and strategies to help you thrive, contribute and lead in all areas of life.

10 sessions (50 min each) - 3 months

Unlimited Email Support

8.5 hours of private Virtual Coaching

VIP - Private “Move Forward” Long Weekend Intensive

VIP - Private “Move Forward” Long Weekend Intensive

Jumpstart your journey FORWARD with Vanessa as your guide.

In this Long Weekend Intensive, you will deconstruct how a crisis or circumstances have changed/halted your life. With Vanessa’s support, you will evaluate how your physical space, emotional space, and professional space impact your ability to move forward.

Vanessa will work with you to clarify the question, “What Next?” and help you create a plan to move forward with confidence.

The Details: The Weekend: 3-days, 5 hours per day, in-person coaching.

Vanessa travels to YOU. You’ll evaluate your environmental, internal, and external obstacles and Work through Vanessa’s signature ‘FORWARD’ framework together and create an action and accountability plan.

PLUS: 3 bonus virtual 1-hour Check-ins in the following 3 months.
This is 18 hours of private in-person support and coaching.

*Note: Travel + Accommodation are additional and will be invoiced separately.