Heaven on Earth Ministry


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Weekly Session - Auto renew

$50.00 initial setup plus $144.00 every 4 weeks
Up to 4 two hour sessions (or $36 a session)
***Bonus: Active memberships are eligible to book overnight at the discounted rate of $144 in a shared room.
Unused sessions don't rollover
Sessions can't be shared or transferred
Not valid for overnight
4 weeks cancellation notice

Monthly subscription - Auto renew

$50.00 initial setup plus $333.00 per month
Recommend 3 months commitment.
Up to 10 two-hour sessions per month (or about $33 a session)
***Bonus: Active memberships are eligible to book overnight at the discounted rate of $144 in a shared room.
Unused sessions don't rollover to next month
Sessions can't be shared or transferred
Not valid for overnight
30 days cancellation notice