Succulence Payment Plan Registration
Succulence | Full Tuition Payment Plan
per month for 4 months ($900.00 total)
Sustainer (Full Tuition): $900
Payment Plan: $225/month
*$24/per live training hour. Participants also receive weekly video teachings, guided meditations and other practices, workbooks, handouts, background resources and facilitator check-ins.
We ask white folks and those with class privilege (eg raised in middle-upper class homes and/or making over $62,000 per year), access to financial resources and/or access to organizational professional development funds to please consider paying the full course fee. We also ask all white-bodied participants being sponsored by organizations to attend pay the full course fee.
Succulence | Global South Fellowship Payment Plan
per month for 4 months ($150.00 total)
Global South Rate: $150
Payment Plan: $37.50/month
*$4/per live training hour. Participants also receive weekly video teachings, guided meditations and other practices, workbooks, handouts, background resources and facilitator check-ins.
We invite folks of the global majority living and working in the global south to register at our solidarity rate.
Succulence | Solidarity Tuition Payment Plan
per month for 4 months ($450.00 total)
Solidarity Rate: $450
Payment Plan: $112.50/month
*$12/per live training hour. Participants also receive weekly video teachings, guided meditations and other practices, workbooks, handouts, background resources and facilitator check-ins.
We invite folks with less class privilege, financial hardship and/or those representing historically marginalized identities for whom the full tuition rate is not possible, to register at our subsidized solidarity rate.