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Tarot Gift Certificates

Gift of Guidance: 20 Minute Tarot Check-In

This is the perfect gift for both newbies and people experienced with tarot. This is usually limited to one question or I do a general reading to help give the querent direction and guidance going forward. Short and sweet, but impactful!

Gift of Guidance: Hour Long Intuitive Guidance Tarot Reading

Is someone you love going through a tough time? Are there many paths laid out and they don't know what the next step should be? This longer reading is perfect for diving down the rabbit hole and untangling multiple potentials. We will ask the deck two, three or more questions, getting more clarity as we explore. I make sure clients leave the session feeling empowered to take the next steps they need to create the life of their dreams.

Gift of Guidance: Year Ahead Overview

We'll explore the upcoming year season by season, giving us nuggets of advice and insight on how to best navigate the upcoming energies.

Gift of Guidance: Year Ahead Tarot and Astrology Reading

My most potent offering by far! We start by exploring the themes of the year and then break down each month, identifying the growth points and ways forward. The reading is then turned into a beautiful PDF with a page for every month. Each month not only has the cards listed, but also personalized journal questions, neo-pagan inspiration, full and new moon guidance, astrology insights based on the client's astrology chart and retrograde planet information. This resource will be revisited throughout the year, giving deeper insights and growth each time. Truly a gift that keeps on giving.