SOLR + Aerial Yoga


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Yogic Soundbath In Nature Gift Certificates

Yogic Soundbath Group Size 1-6

Open class with“Manifest Yoga”and conscious breathwork to release the fascia and prepare the body and mind to enter the Theta manifestation state.A guided meditation will begin you on your journey into a deeply-immersive,full-body,listening experience moving through the 7 chakras, altering your state of consciousness.
The goal of this experience is to invite deep relaxation for ease of manifestation.With a crystal bowl for each chakra you will find balance again with mind,body and spiritual connection

Yogic Soundbath Group Size 7-12

Open class with“Manifest Yoga”and conscious breathwork to release the fascia and prepare the body and mind to enter the Theta manifestation state.A guided meditation will begin you on your journey into a deeply-immersive,full-body,listening experience moving through the 7 chakras, altering your state of consciousness.
The goal of this experience is to invite deep relaxation for ease of manifestation.With a crystal bowl for each chakra you will find balance again with mind,body and spiritual connection

Yogic Soundbath Group Size 13-18

Open class with“Manifest Yoga”and conscious breathwork to release the fascia and prepare the body and mind to enter the Theta manifestation state.A guided meditation will begin you on your journey into a deeply-immersive,full-body,listening experience moving through the 7 chakras, altering your state of consciousness.
The goal of this experience is to invite deep relaxation for ease of manifestation.With a crystal bowl for each chakra you will find balance again with mind,body and spiritual connection