
~ e-Gift Certificates ~

The "Thank You Mom" Facial

Relax and unwind with this deluxe facial designed to restore vital, healthy skin by improving its function. This facial is customized to address your current skin type and skin condition(s) with the healing, corrective, and rejuvenating properties of my professional back bar facial products. You will leave feeling pampered, renewed, and refreshed with visibly glowing, healthy skin. Includes a skin consultation, skin analysis, cleansing, exfoliation, face massage, masque, serum, & moisturizer. Warm, steamed towels are included.

Pure Joy Gift Certificate $300


Pure Joy Gift Certificate $250


Pure Joy Gift Certificate $200


Pure Joy Gift Certificate $150


Pure Joy Gift Certificate $125


Pure Joy Gift Certificate $100


Pure Joy Gift Certificate $75


Pure Joy Gift Certificate $50


Pure Joy Gift Certificate $25


Custom Facial Gift Certificate

Relax and unwind with this deluxe facial designed to restore vital, healthy skin by improving its function. This facial is customized to address your current skin type and skin condition(s) with the healing, corrective, and rejuvenating properties of my professional back bar facial products. You will leave feeling pampered, renewed, and refreshed with visibly glowing, healthy skin. Includes a skin consultation, skin analysis, cleansing, exfoliation, face massage, masque, serum, & moisturizer. Warm, steamed towels are included.

Dermaplane Glow Facial Gift Certificate

Dermaplaning is a form of manual exfoliation.  An esthetician grade, sterile blade is stroked along the skin at a 45 degree angle to gently “skim off” dead skin cells from the epidermis.  It also temporarily removes the fine vellus hair of the face, leaving a very smooth surface.  The removal of dead skin cells allows home care products to be more effective, reduces the appearance of fine lines, evens skin tone, and assists in reducing milia, closed and open comedones, and minor breakouts associated with congested pores.