Gift Certificates
Four Half Hour Private Lessons
This package allows you to use your Independent Health Wellness Card for golf lessons throughout the year and spend the money on the type of lessons you want. It can be used for group lessons, private lessons, or even playing lessons.
Junior Two Person One Hour Lesson
Make Your Own Group Junior Three Person
Pick What You Want
Pick what you want, when you want it.
The Junior Package
This gift certificate is good for two private half-hour golf lessons and one, one-hour junior group lesson. The gift certificate is good for one year from date of purchase. Group lessons are offered on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 PM and Saturdays from 10:00-11:00AM.
Pick What You Want $110
Whether you choose a couple of Intro lessons, or a one-hour private lesson, this choice is perfect if you don't know what to get for your loved one.
Pick What You Want
This certificate can be used for any combination of lessons totaling $150.00.
Pick What You Want
You pick how you want to use this. Groups, Private Lessons, or Playing Lessons.
$500 Pick What You Want
This gift certificate can be used towards lots of different things. You can use it for private lessons, group lessons, playing lessons, or as a deposit for Boot Camp.
Five Half Hour Private Lessons
Five half hour private lessons. Schedule them at your convenience. Must be used within one year.
Game Improvement Package
Three private half hour lessons and four one hour group classes. This package is active for one year from date of purchase.
Junior Half Hour Private
A half hour private golf lesson.
Junior Private One Hour Lesson
The One Hour Private Lesson.
New Student Assessment
This certificate will give you a one hour new student assessment where Cindy or Allen will assess your game, give you tips to improve, and suggest the best way to move forward to reach your goals.
Two Person One Hour Lesson
Two person one hour private lesson.
Intro Lesson
This half hour intro lesson is the perfect gift for someone who have never taken a golf lesson before.
One Hour Clinic
This is a one hour group golf lesson for adults.
Wednesdays 2:30-3:30, Wednesdays 5:30-6:30,
Thursdays 5:30-6:30 or Saturdays 9:00-10:00 AM
One Half Hour Private Golf Lesson
One Half Hour Private Lesson
One- One Hour Private Golf Lesson
One- One Hour Private Golf Lesson