
GoEast Mandarin

China Quests

Shanghai Quest

A warm welcome with airport pickup & portable wifi
2 weeks of intensive Mandarin classes with expert teachers at GoEast HQ (40 sessions)
6 in-field tours to explore the best of Shanghai & practice Chinese in real situations
10 different lunch meals provided
1 karaoke night
1 hotpot dinner
12 nights of comfy hotel accommodation

NOT Includes:
Excludes flights to Shanghai

Village Quest

An enjoyable, high-speed train ride from Shanghai
5 Delicious local meals in local families to savour
Soothing 2-night stay
Village hike & tour to get off the beaten path
2 well-designed fun activities to connect with locals
2 Language teachers always by your side

Xi'an Quest

A one-way flight from Shanghai or nearby to Xi’an
14 delicious meals
5 days of history-rich tours
5 well-designed language activities
5 nights of comfortable accommodation
24/7 support from our expert Chinese teachers with a teacher/student ratio of 1: 4 or higher
Worry-free Depature Assistance