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per month
Unlock convenience, savings, and flexibility with our subscription service. Enjoy credit rollover for up to six months, skip payments when needed, and cancel anytime.
With this subscription, you can redeem 60 minutes total of any massage appointment.

Join us today and experience a superior subscription experience.


per month
Unlock convenience, savings, and flexibility with our subscription service. Enjoy credit rollover for up to six months, skip payments when needed, and cancel anytime.
With this subscription, you can redeem 120 minutes total of any massage appointment.

Join us today and experience a superior subscription experience.


per month
Unlock convenience, savings, and flexibility with our subscription service. Enjoy credit rollover for up to six months, skip payments when needed, and cancel anytime.
With this subscription, you can redeem 240 minutes total of any massage appointment.

Join us today and experience a superior subscription experience.

Course of Three 30 Minute Massages

Book three 30 minute massages and save £10.

Course of Three 45 Minute Massages

Book three 45 minute massages and save £15.

Course of Three 60 Minute Massages

Book three 60 minute massages and save over £20.

Course of Three 90 Minute Massages

Book three 90 minute massages and save £30.

Course of Three 120 Minute Massages

Book three 120 minute massages and save £40.