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2024 Cosmic Support Package

Receive support throughout the year! Package includes a 90 minute cosmic planning session plus (3) 60 minute intuitive guidance check ins. Also receive support via voxer messager once a month. All sessions include an mp3 audio recording.

Aquarian Oracle Session (45 mins)

Unlock a future-focused experience that blends intuitive insights with cosmic intelligence, designed to empower you in navigating the Aquarian Age with foresight and innovation. Receive intuitive insights combined with strategic guidance, aimed at amplifying your capacity to inspire and activate change. It's an invitation to align your unique strengths with the universe's transformative energies, providing a framework for impactful decision-making and visionary leadership in today's landscape. You'll gain practical strategies to elevate your role as well as prompts for ongoing reflection and inspiration.

Astro-Mapping Session with Past Life Connection (2.5 hours)

Use locational Astrology to uncover your past lives! Danielle will utilize your birth chart + cosmic data surrounding places of your choosing as well as what she channels.
The two hour experience includes moving through your astro-map to uncover akashic information + past life data plus a past life regression journey to further connect the lives together. Held via Zoom.

Astrology Assessment (60 Minutes)

Engaging and enlightening session to explore your soul’s mission, personality traits, life goals, & perceived blocks. Danielle will guide you to a more cohesive understanding your birth chart, including your sun, moon, and rising sign as well as how the alignment of the planets relates to you. There will be space to answer your questions and forecast key cosmic trends to be ready for! Intuitive coaching may be weaved in as well to enhance your experience/expansion. The session includes a recorded mp3.

Astrology Assessment with Astro-Mapping (90 Minutes)

Session to explore your soul’s mission, personality traits, life goals, & perceived blocks. Danielle will guide you to a more cohesive understanding your birth chart, as well as move through your astrology mapping as it relates to location alignment. There will be space to answer your questions and forecast key cosmic trends to be ready for! Intuitive coaching + spiritual guidance may be weaved in as well to enhance your experience/expansion. The session includes a recorded mp3 of the call, copies of your chart + maps, plus follow up guide.

Cosmic Cartography Extended Session (90m)

Goes further, inviting you to delve deeper into your connection with the cosmos and the Earth's ancient energies such as an expanded analysis that uncovers additional powerful locations that resonate with your soul's purpose. These may be places you've yet to consider, each holding significant energy and potential for your life. Also devote more time to unraveling the mysteries of your past lives and their impact on your present. Discover how these past experiences are intricately linked to your current residences and locations of curiosity. Also receive energetic grid work guidance for insights into tapping in, alongside practical tips for integrating these practices into your daily life. Recorded with follow up PDF guide.

Cosmic Cartography Session (60m)

The 60-minute session is designed to illuminate the unique intertwining paths between the cosmos and Earth. This personalized journey begins with a pre-session questionnaire, inviting you to share your birth details, life inquiries, and places of interest. By analyzing your birth chart and cosmic data, you'll learn the best cities worldwide for enhancing various aspects of your life, such as health, romance, and prosperity. Discover past life locations to see how your soul's purpose aligns with your geographical map, including potential roles as an energy grid technician. This session dives deep into your bigger life questions with personalized, intuitive insights tailored to your journey. Aimed at those seeking clarity on career, relationships, or spiritual paths, it's crafted to meet you where you are, delve into past lives, and project you into the future. Walk away with a clearer understanding of how specific locations are intricately woven into your soul's historical tapestry. Recorded with follow up PDF guide.

Expanded Aquarian Oracle Session (75 mins)

Unlock a future-focused experience that blends intuitive insights with cosmic intelligence, designed to empower you in navigating the Aquarian Age with foresight and innovation. Receive intuitive insights combined with strategic guidance, aimed at amplifying your capacity to inspire and activate change. Dive into the realms of ancient wisdom and future possibilities. This session offers a direct channel to cosmic consciousness, where the legacy of your spiritual, creative, and leadership archetype is shaped for the world of tomorrow. Includes mp3 recording.

Full Moon Yoga Nidra + Sound Bath_5/23 @630pm

Under the Full Moon, dive into a cosmic blend of breath work, yoga nidra, and gong sound vibrations. This journey guides you through a deep relaxation and meditative practice, leading to a hypnotic state through the universal realms. This soothing experience is designed to melt away stress and bring a deeper connection to your true self.

The vibrations of the gong offer additional benefits such as boosting your immune system and enhancing your natural intuition. It’s an amazing chance to unwind, recharge, and feel truly centered!

Bridge City Health members can use code BCH for discount.

Mini Intuitive Reading (35 mins)


Past Life Regression Session

Past Life Regression is a form of hypnotherapy which takes an you back through time into previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are normally hidden in the soul/subconscious mind. A PLR session guides you into a deeply quiet and peaceful state where it’s easier to locate the memories held in your subconscious mind. This may be used to understand your purpose, uncover hidden patterns, release blocks, heal the body, and repair relationships. 90 mins. Will be held via phone and recorded for playback.

Past Life/ Soul Regression Package

3-pack of 90 minute sessions. Must be used within a 3.5 month container.

Pluto Deep Dive Session (45)

Astrology session to explore Pluto's influence on your life. We'll examine Pluto in Capricorn's impact on your journey, the implications of the current Pluto in Aquarius transit, and strategies to leverage Pluto's energy for personal and collective success. We'll delve into Pluto's interplay through your houses, aspects, and other star factors, helping you see soul clearly why you're here during these sacred times.​ Recorded for playback.

Pluto Deep Dive Session (90 mins)

Astrology session to explore Pluto's influence on your life. We'll examine Pluto in Capricorn's impact on your journey, the implications of the current Pluto in Aquarius transit, and strategies to leverage Pluto's energy for personal and collective success. We'll delve into Pluto's interplay through your houses, aspects, and other star factors, helping you see soul clearly why you're here during these sacred times.​ Recorded for playback.

Post Eclipse Support Session


Soul Embodiment + Intuitive Support - (3) 75 min sessions

Ongoing intuitive guidance + support. Time together will included channeled insights around your spiritual gifts/purpose, past lives, lifting current blocks, and healing to help you move your path forward. Package expires 3.5 months from purchase.

Soul Hypnotherapy Session (60 minutes)

The purpose of this session is to connect you to your soul and explore the hidden realms of your subconscious mind. The hour is designed to guide you through induction and deepening relaxation techniques, unlocking the depths of your being and unraveling the mysteries of your soul's journey. You'll gain a sense of empowerment and vision, and a stronger sense of self direction and energy for life.
Held via Zoom and recorded for playback.

The Aquarian Expanded Support Package

Embark on a six-week odyssey blending ancient cosmic wisdom with the forefront of innovation. Explore your potential with 3 intuitive 75-minute immersive sessions, ongoing Voxer support, and leverage ChatGPT insights to navigate and co-create your future goals in the Aquarian Age. This transformative experience is your gateway to aligning with universal energies and charting a visionary course for your legacy.

Soul Regression Session

The purpose of this session is to connect you to your soul, the higher self, and spiritual guides, and to understand your souls immortal journey through your contract + agreements. Learn where your soul goes at death and in-between lives, uncover karmic lessons, identify your purpose, and resolve relationships. You'll gain a sense of empowerment and vision, and a stronger sense of self direction and energy for life.
Recorded for playback.

Astrology Planning Session (90 mins)

The session acts as an opportunity to explore your goals + expectations! Receive an overview of your soul's path plus strategized key launch dates plotted out as best aligned with the stars for the next 6-12 months. Walk away feeling clear, empowered, + focused on a cohesive plan for your business. Includes audio recording and held via the phone. Receive a 2024 planning guide however personalized notes are NOT included.


The ULTIMATE session to see into what 2024 has in store! Receive a 13 Card Tarot Spread for a month by month overview of the year + power card as well as a deep dive into one's Astrological chart to understand key dates & strategies pertaining to love, health, home & career. 75 minutes and held via phone + audio mp3 recording included.

3-Intuitive Coaching + Spiritual Business Mentor Sessions w/Danielle

(3) 75 minute Coaching sessions w/Danielle

Must be used within a 2 month time frame. (starts at booking of first session)

2024 Tarot Forecast Session

Find out what’s in store for 2024! The reading includes a tarot card for each month of the year and one power card (13 cards total). Every month the individual can check in with their card, it becomes the reading that keeps on giving! Astrology guidance may also come through.

Held via the phone or zoom, includes mp3 recording & photo spread.