
Innately Well Integrative Dietetics (Medical Nutrition Therapy, EFT Energy Tapping & Shadow Coaching)


EFT & MR Coaching Package ( 3 sessions package)


EFT Coaching 10 (10 sessions package)


Wellness Alignment Shadow Coaching Package ( 3 sessions package)

Wellness Alignment Coaching uusing a Meditative Shadow process that directly accesses the inner wisdom that we all have, these sessions will give you tools that will tune your intuition and help you make those important every day choices to shoft you into that optimal health you are looking for. You will be guided to set goals and shown how to access your intuition and health manifesting blueprint.

Wellness Alignment Shadow Coaching Package ( 5 sessions package)

Wellness Alignment Coaching uusing a Meditative Shadow process that directly accesses the inner wisdom that we all have, these sessions will give you tools that will tune your intuition and help you make those important every day choices to shoft you into that optimal health you are looking for. You will be guided to set goals and shown how to access your intuition and health manifesting blueprint.