
The Mix EduKitchen & Fitness

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Virtual Class

14 Day Mid Year Reset Challenge


2019 Level Up! Accountability Group


2019 Level Up! Accountability Group

per month for 12 months ($240.00 total)

Going Plant Based the Right Way Masterclass

Becoming (more) plant based is all the rage these days, but is it right for you?
In this Masterclass, I'll chat about the amazing benefits of becoming more plant based, how to find your plant based personality, how to create balance with your plant based meals, how to best supplement (and if you really need to), being plant based while traveling/dining out at non plant based restaurants, how to go plant based for weight loss, and how to get your family on board!
As a BONUS, you'll also receive recipe book filled with plant based recipes, meal template and best plant based body foods list!

Hot & Healthy For Life Level 2

per month
Everything from Level 1 Plus:

-Private intro call
-Monthly private coaching call
-Monthly custom workout plan
-Email access to me

Intermittent Fasting 101 Masterclass Replay

This is the replay package of the Intermittent Fasting Masterclass.
Included are the slides, video presentation and packet with meal template, foods list, IF guide and recipes.

Meal Planning and Prepping 21 Day Bootcamp

In just 21 days, you'll have the blueprint on how to meal plan and prep according to your goals, lifestyle, and budget without giving up your favorite foods!

Straight Outta 2020! Reset Masterclass

Whewww! Last year was a doozy!
If we learned nothing else, we learned that even the best plans can be disrupted and "pivot" became the new buzz word.

So let's have a nice RESET for 2021 based on all the things we've gleaned from 2020.
Let's create a new mindset, a new focus, and new plans (with backups!) to create the life we desire this year!

In this very interactive Masterclass, we will reflect on this past year, set intentions for this year, and actually create a blueprint on how to get there. Not later on after the class, but during the class together!
By the end of this Masterclass here's what you'll have:

-Your one word for the year, so that you can have a north star for the year
-Your goals for the year in all areas of your life (health, finance, career, etc)
-Find you WHY for each goal to put feeling and get emotionally locked in
-The intentions and habits for the year to keep you on track
-Identified any past and present obstacles that could derail you
-Created strategies to overcome those obstacles
-Know what to do every month, week and day to reach your goals
-Affirmations to keep you focused and change your self image
-A vision board or vision jar to add a little "whoo whoo" (optional)
-An entirely new outlook and confidence on what you can achieve in 2021