
Effervescence YogaSpa

That product is currently unavailable. Please contact the business directly for more information.


Magical Retreat

Ladies, If you are an ANIMAL LOVER who wants to:

Experience a UNIQUE 3 night ADVENTURE in a beautiful cottage near Lake Michigan

CONNECT with other like minded women, slumber party style!

Do YOGA with goats on a nonprofit farm with 100+ animals including
“unicorns,” mini llamas, mini pigs, mini goats, rare ponies and horses, zebus, koi fish, and the list goes on and on

UNPLUG from your digital devices

EXPERIENCE workshops, yoga, meditation sessions, and nature walks that spark PEACE & JOY

Then the Magical Retreat is FOR YOU!

Save your spot!

Magical Retreat Down Payment

Ladies, If you are an ANIMAL LOVER who wants to:
Experience a UNIQUE 3 night ADVENTURE in a beautiful cottage near Lake Michigan
CONNECT with other like minded women, slumber party style
Do YOGA with goats on a nonprofit farm with 100+ animals including “unicorns,” mini llamas, mini pigs, mini goats, rare ponies and horses, zebus, koi fish, and the list goes on and on
UNPLUG from your digital devices
EXPERIENCE workshops, yoga, meditation sessions, and nature walks that spark PEACE & JOY

Then the Magical Retreat is FOR YOU!

Reserve your spot today!

Magical Retreat Private Room

Ladies, If you are an ANIMAL LOVER who wants to:
Experience a UNIQUE 3 night ADVENTURE in a beautiful cottage near Lake Michigan
CONNECT with other like minded women, slumber party style
Do YOGA with goats on a nonprofit farm with 100+ animals including “unicorns,” mini llamas, mini pigs, mini goats, rare ponies and horses, zebus, koi fish, and the list goes on and on
UNPLUG from your digital devices
EXPERIENCE workshops, yoga, meditation sessions, and nature walks that spark PEACE & JOY

Then the Magical Retreat is FOR YOU!