Going with Nature


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Dynamic Equilibrium

Dynamic Equilibrium: a commitment to Self

every 6 months
Personal Commitment and Personalised Counsel
for Attaining & Maintaining DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM

* * * * *

What is Dynamic Equilibrium?

The Sanskrit word for health is svasthya, which signifies the dynamic equilibrium afforded by staying (stha) true to one’s self (sva). This being at home in one’s own body, enjoying robust wellbeing, adapting and flourishing, is a lifelong commitment to self.

According to Vedic scripture, the highest truth to live and prosper by is not man-made but rather the governing principle of cosmic order, intrinsic to nature’s physical laws (Rta). The 3,000-year-old Vedic aphorism “As in the atom, so in the universe” initiates within one’s entire self an existential inquiry or spontaneous insight that transcends notions of separate self.

By law of correspondence, the individual is homologous with the universal. The realised self is homologous with the Absolute. And one’s own genius is homologous with cosmic intelligence. The basis of realised health is realising essential self—through mindful, sensorial synchronisation with the consciousness principle that patterns atoms, universes, planets, and cells.

Of all the Vedic or Yogic sciences, it is Ayurveda—the Science of Life—that translates the physical laws of nature into practical guidelines for personalised, everyday well-being.

In this program, renewable every six months, you will work with Umā to learn how to attain—then to maintain—a dynamic equilibrium of individual self with the universal, within the realities of day-to-day living.

What you receive:
— At the start of the journey, a comprehensive, one-on-one Ayurvedic consultation with Umā to uncover your true nature and the steps you can take to embody dynamic equilibrium
— One live video session with Umā every two weeks
— A private Telegram chat with Umā for reflections and integration between calls

What happens in the video calls?
Every two weeks you’ll have a live call with Umā, during which you can ask any questions or discuss specific topics that have arisen for you. These may be about about particular practices that Umā has recommended for you along the way. Or they may be questions or reflections about the links between Ayurveda and spiritual emergence, or about how true health is shaping your life.

Plan for each call to last 60-75 minutes.

How much does the program cost?
Dynamic Equilibrium is an ongoing commitment of €2,934 every six months. The program fee is automatically renewed every six months and can be cancelled before renewal if you wish.

“It has been a great honour and privilige to receive Umā’s counsel through monthly meetings via Zoom and communication through writing.

This journey for me has been like one huge embrace in the potent field of truth and love. I don't think it would have mattered to me what particular topics we have been going through, as just being held in Umā’s field is an extraordinary gift in itself. A safe and loving space that continously have given me exactly what I needed, exactly when I have needed it.

And within this safe field there has been an opportunity to really be seen, mirrored and thoroughly supported in my processes. My insight and clarity have accelerated through this assistance. I have been able to go through some major life-changing experiences within a safe container.

I can greatly recommend this program (or any other program with Umā) for anyone who is ready to grow!”

—Marthe, Norway

Who is Umā?
Umā Inder is a licensed Ayurveda professional, a master teacher within the philosophy and practices of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and an accomplished researcher in the ancient Indian sciences.

Umā utilises traditional and modern therapeutic approaches to guide you to self-responsible, holistic health. She offers private Ayurveda consultations and distinctive trainings through the school she founded in 2011, SATYA: Synergistic Alignment of Tantra Yoga and Ayurveda. Her skillset is exceptional, founded on decades of trainings both rare and recognised.

Of Indian descent, she was born and raised in Kenya, where her maternal grandfather, the family yogi, was celebrated as “Freedom Fighter Extraordinary”. These days Umā can be found in her riverside abode in Bali, brewing ancient formulas for Aranya Ayurvedics, her range of wildcraft therapeutics, and bringing the gifts of SATYA online.

Please contact Umā's team at uma@umainder.com if you have questions about the Dynamic Equilibrium program.

Going with Nature

Going with Nature Counsel - Premium

every 6 months
Six Months of Personalised Counsel for Going with Nature

This six-month program provides precise tools for awareness and deeper understanding of what it means -- for you, here, now -- to go with Nature.

—Two private live sessions with Umā each month.
— A private Telegram chat for reflections and integration.


The video sessions with Umā will answer questions about yourself: your true, original, natural self.

Bring little and big questions about your life. Discover truths about your nature you didn’t know or may have forgotten. Explore ways to recharge your love for life and the strength to persevere when facing challenges. Awaken the understanding that our greatest wealth is health and peace of mind.

These sessions will address questions of a limitless range, including but not limited to:

Who am I? What is my life’s purpose? What will make me truly happy? How can I awaken to my full potential? How do I maintain connection with higher consciousness? How do I integrate my spiritual experiences into my regular life? What meditation and yoga is right for me? How to balance my career and relationships? How do I eat for my type? How can I get more energy? What will help me to sleep better? How can I feel more calm? How do I lose weight easily? How can I look and feel my best from the inside out? What exercise suits me best? How can I stay youthful?

These questions and more have been answered by Ayurveda for thousands of years.

All calls are confidential and recorded only upon request. Questions you want addressed in the call can be asked in advance in the Telegram thread.


Going with Nature Premium is a six-month program priced at €2,034 as a one-time fee.


Going with Nature Premium is a six-month program.

At the end of the program, you may choose to continue meeting with Umā on a regular basis. Options can be explored toward the end of the six months.


“It has been a great honour and privilige to receive Umā’s counsel through monthly meetings via Zoom and communication through writing.

This journey for me has been like one huge embrace in the potent field of truth and love. I don't think it would have mattered to me what particular topics we have been going through, as just being held in Umā’s field is an extraordinary gift in itself. A safe and loving space that continously have given me exactly what I needed, exactly when I have needed it.

And within this safe field there has been an opportunity to really be seen, mirrored and thoroughly supported in my processes. My insight and clarity have accelerated through this assistance. I have been able to go through some major life-changing experiences within a safe container.

I can greatly recommend this program (or any other program with Umā) for anyone who is ready to grow!”

—Marthe, Norway


Umā Inder is a licensed Ayurveda professional, a master teacher within the philosophy and practices of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and an accomplished researcher in the ancient Indian sciences.

Umā utilises traditional and modern therapeutic approaches to guide you to self-responsible, holistic health. She offers private Ayurveda consultations and distinctive trainings through the school she founded in 2011, SATYA: Synergistic Alignment of Tantra Yoga and Ayurveda. Her skillset is exceptional, founded on decades of trainings both rare and recognised.

Of Indian descent, she was born and raised in Kenya, where her maternal grandfather, the family yogi, was celebrated as “Freedom Fighter Extraordinary”. These days Umā can be found in her riverside abode in Bali, brewing ancient formulas for Aranya Ayurvedics, her range of wildcraft therapeutics, and bringing the gifts of SATYA online. She is regularly invited to teach in other countries and has offered trainings in the past in Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


Please contact Umā's team at goingwithnature@gmail.com if you have questions about Going with Nature.

Going with Nature - Monthly

Going with Nature Counsel - Monthly

per month
Personalised Counsel for Going with Nature

One-on-One Monthly Support & Guidance
€369 per month

This exclusive program provides precise tools for awareness and deeper understanding of what it means -- for you, here, now -- to go with Nature.

—Two private live sessions with Umā each month.
— A private Telegram chat for reflections and integration.


The video sessions with Umā will answer questions about yourself: your true, original, natural self.

Bring little and big questions about your life. Discover truths about your nature you didn’t know or may have forgotten. Explore ways to recharge your love for life and the strength to persevere when facing challenges. Awaken the understanding that our greatest wealth is health and peace of mind.

These sessions will address questions of a limitless range, including but not limited to:

Who am I? What is my life’s purpose? What will make me truly happy? How can I awaken to my full potential? How do I maintain connection with higher consciousness? How do I integrate my spiritual experiences into my regular life? What meditation and yoga is right for me? How to balance my career and relationships? How do I eat for my type? How can I get more energy? What will help me to sleep better? How can I feel more calm? How do I lose weight easily? How can I look and feel my best from the inside out? What exercise suits me best? How can I stay youthful?

These questions and more have been answered by Ayurveda for thousands of years.

All calls are confidential and recorded only upon request. Questions you want addressed in the call can be asked in advance in the Telegram thread.


Going with Nature Counsel is a monthly program. You may choose to participate for one month, several months or longer.

The cost of the program is €369 per month. This means that when you first enroll you will be charged €369, and every month thereafter, you will be automatically charged that amount on the same date of the month.


You can participate for one month, a few months or as long as you like. You don’t have to decide right now for how many months you will participate. You can try it for the first month and decide from there.

When you’re ready to end your participation, you can easily cancel your monthly automatic payment using a link that you’ll be provided upon enrollment. (We ask that you cancel in advance of the next month’s automatic payment date.)


“It has been a great honour and privilige to receive Umā’s counsel through monthly meetings via Zoom and communication through writing.

This journey for me has been like one huge embrace in the potent field of truth and love. I don't think it would have mattered to me what particular topics we have been going through, as just being held in Umā’s field is an extraordinary gift in itself. A safe and loving space that continously have given me exactly what I needed, exactly when I have needed it.

And within this safe field there has been an opportunity to really be seen, mirrored and thoroughly supported in my processes. My insight and clarity have accelerated through this assistance. I have been able to go through some major life-changing experiences within a safe container.

I can greatly recommend this program (or any other program with Umā) for anyone who is ready to grow!”

—Marthe, Norway


Umā Inder is a licensed Ayurveda professional, a master teacher within the philosophy and practices of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and an accomplished researcher in the ancient Indian sciences.

Umā utilises traditional and modern therapeutic approaches to guide you to self-responsible, holistic health. She offers private Ayurveda consultations and distinctive trainings through the school she founded in 2011, SATYA: Synergistic Alignment of Tantra Yoga and Ayurveda. Her skillset is exceptional, founded on decades of trainings both rare and recognised.

Of Indian descent, she was born and raised in Kenya, where her maternal grandfather, the family yogi, was celebrated as “Freedom Fighter Extraordinary”. These days Umā can be found in her riverside abode in Bali, brewing ancient formulas for Aranya Ayurvedics, her range of wildcraft therapeutics, and bringing the gifts of SATYA online. She is regularly invited to teach in other countries and has offered trainings in the past in Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


Please contact Umā's team at goingwithnature@gmail.com if you have questions about Going with Nature Counsel.

Integral Cleanse

Integral Cleanse—Sep./Oct. 2023

24 Sep. – 7 Oct. 2023

(Registration ends Sun., 17 Sep.)

14 Days to Purify, Reboot Metabolism and Free-up Inner Resources

...For cleaner, deeper, renewable wells of creative energy, presence & fulfilment

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Integral Cleanse works to:

- Remove toxic waste
- Reload immune response
- Reset biological clock
- Replace unhealthy habits

You’ll do this through a two-in-one process that has been successfully tried and tested over thousands of years, known in Ayurveda as Shodhana/Shamana (purification/pacification).

This 14-day process supports you to:

- Lighten-up and stabilise
- Cleanse and replenish
- Relinquish and revive


Integral Cleanse begins on Sunday, 24 September 2023 and ends 14 days later, on Saturday, 7 October.*

The program is specifically scheduled during the shift from one season into the next. This transitional time allows you to more efficiently break up, dislodge and eliminate toxins, whilst boosting strength and manifesting a fresh start—physically, mentally, emotionally.

(Optional: After Integral Cleanse ends, you may choose to continue the rejuvenation practices on your own for at least one additional week.)

*Note that registration for the program closes on Sunday, 17 September.


You will be guided online, one step at a time, using the Integral Cleanse method.

You will be provided with:
- A day-by-day schedule to follow
- 3 live video lectures, with time for Q&A
- Online community support & integration (via Telegram)
- Video tutorials
- Recipes for specific cleansing & nutritive meals
- Recommendation list for herbs & massage oils
- Daily self-care regimens
- Yoga, meditation and breathing
- Essential do’s and don’ts

Cleanse schedule:
- Sun., 24 Sep.: Begin with cleanse schedule
- Mon, 25 Sep.: Begin with daily dry scrubbing and/or abhyanga (warm oil massage)
- Tues., 26 Sep.: Ghee drinking begins
- Fri., 29 Sep.: Evening sauna/steam
- Sat., 30 Sep.: Purgation day
- Sun., 1 Oct.: Starting fresh—back to basics
- Mon., 2 Oct.: Begin with daily vasti (enema)
- Tues., 3 Oct.: Vasti
- Wed., 4 Oct.: Vasti
- 5-7 Oct.: Final 3 days—rejuvenation. (Less is more.)*

*Optional: After Integral Cleanse ends, it's ideal to continue the rejuvenation practices on your own for at least one additional week.


— Clean the house, including kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and personal sanctuary or meditation room.
— Clear work schedule and obligations as much as possible.
— Clear communications, admin, bills.
— Give notice in advance to loved ones or roommates that you require personal space and time to complete the program successfully.


Ayurvedic staples and supplements (can be purchased online at ayurvedic suppliers):
— Ghee, at least 500 ml
— Trikatu or black pepper powder, at least 50 grams
— Triphala, 30 tablets or 50-100 grams powder
— Ashwagandha, 30 tablets or at least 50-100 grams powder
— Clear, untoasted sesame oil, 1 litre
— Castor oil, at least 100 ml

— Split yellow mung beans, at least 1.5 kg (not yellow peas, or red or yellow lentils)
— Organic brown basmati or brown rice, at least 1.5 kg (if rice is not easily digestible: millet, buckwheat or quinoa)
— Vegetables such as squash, pumpkin, green beans, nettles, dandelion, amaranth leaves, chard, kale, carrots, broccoli—fresh, non-GMO, organic, seasonal, local whenever possible
— Fresh ginger root
— Raw organic honey

Cooking herbs (small bottles):
— Curcuma (turmeric) powder
— Cumin seeds
— Coriander seeds
— Fennel seeds
— Rock salt or Himalayan pink salt

Tea herbs:
— Tulsi, liquorice, and/or CCF (cumin, coriander and fennel seeds)

— Stainless steel or cast iron cooking pots
— Enema kit for self-administration of 100 ml (sesame oil)
— Tongue scraper
— Body brush or loofah
— Neti pot (optional)
—Yoga mat, bolsters, blankets as needed


During Integral Cleanse you’ll have three live video sessions with Umā and other program participants.

They will take place on:
— Sat., 23 Sep.
— Fri., 29 Sep.
— Sat., 7 Oct.

These sessions will also be recorded for you to revisit later.

During the calls Umā will discuss the Ayurvedic foundations of the Integral Cleanse method and how to follow it with care. You’ll also have opportunity to ask questions that have arisen for you during the cleanse.

Plan for each session to last 60 to 90 minutes.


The three live sessions will be recorded, with the recording provided to all program members. If you know you can’t attend and have a question you want to ask, you can ask in advance in the private online community for that question to be addressed in the call.


Before Integral Cleanse begins, you'll be invited into a group on the Telegram app. In this conversation thread, important information will be shared by Umā, you can ask questions of her, and you can integrate your experience of Integral Cleanse with other participants.

This group will be opened before the program begins and held open for some days after the program ends so you can fully integrate. Please be sure to add the Telegram app to your mobile device and/or computer upon registering for this program.


The final day to reserve your place in Integral Cleanse is Sunday, 17 September.


"What a crazy life I lived before the cleanse! I considered myself a conscious man who was balancing out what my body and mind wished for. Little did I know I could sink much deeper into my body and its wisdom, and so it happened. It was such a beautiful journey towards gaining bodily and mind-related consciousness for which I am thankful from this day onward. Preparing for and participating in the Integral Cleanse gave me new perspective on what is necessary to feel free in the body as well as the world while minimising the intake of food (meaning not only the food that you put in your mouth, but also what you read, the people you interact with and all other incentives picked up by our sense organs). I really loved how rigorously I had to choose for myself with committing to the cleanse. During the cleanse I was carefully and lovingly guided by the impeccable Uma Inder, who almost 24/7 puts all the love into the process of the group as well as the individuals with every cell of her body. Bathing me in the eternal wisdom of Ayurveda by providing this science in her unique and trustful way. Thank you, Uma. What an increasingly peaceful live I live. Namaste" - Tim Tells


Umā Inder is a licensed Ayurveda professional, a master teacher within the philosophy and practices of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and an accomplished researcher in the ancient Indian sciences.

Umā utilises traditional and modern therapeutic approaches to guide you to self-responsible, holistic health. She offers private Ayurveda consultations and distinctive trainings through the school she founded in 2011, SATYA: Synergistic Alignment of Tantra Yoga and Ayurveda. Her skillset is exceptional, founded on decades of trainings both rare and recognised.

Of Indian descent, she was born and raised in Kenya, where her maternal grandfather, the family yogi, was celebrated as “Freedom Fighter Extraordinary”. These days Umā can be found in her riverside abode in Bali, brewing ancient formulas for Aranya Ayurvedics, her range of wildcraft therapeutics, and bringing the gifts of SATYA online. She is regularly invited to teach in other countries and has offered trainings in the past in Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


Please contact Umā and her team at goingwithnature@gmail.com if you have questions about the program.

Intensive Private Program

Intensive Private Program

A two-month intensive journey into what is calling you strongly

This journey includes one private session with Umā each week for an 8-week period. During this time you can go deeply into whichever themes are speaking strongly in your life, wanting to be uncovered, expressed, explored...

(Sessions will be scheduled directly with Umā.)

Kundalini Counsel - Monthly

Kundalini Counsel - Monthly

per month
Personalised Solutions for Kundalini Awakening, Spiritual Emergence & Associated, Unexplained Symptoms

One-on-One Monthly Support & Guidance
€369 per month

This exclusive program provides precise tools for awareness and deeper understanding, contextualised and personalised for your unique Kundalini activation and awakening process.

What you receive:

—Two private live sessions with Umā each month, to evaluate related experiences, history, current and recurring conditions. Questions, aspirations, fears, doubts are welcome. All calls will be confidential and recorded only upon request.

— A private Telegram chat for reflections and integration, guiding a healthy, sustainable process. Questions you want addressed in the call can be asked in advance on this thread.


These are live Zoom video calls with Umā.

Ideally you will begin each month of the program with the first call and schedule the second call for about two weeks later.

During each call you will be prompted to ask any burning questions and share experiences, insights and concerns that have arisen for you in the course of the program.

Plan for each call to last 60 to 90 minutes.


The Kundalini Counsel program will answer your questions about Kundalini awakening and spiritual emergence and how to understand what’s happening as a natural process to embrace, support and integrate, while living healthily and purposefully.

The program will address questions of a limitless range, including but not limited to:

- What is Kundalini?
- What does Kundalini do?
- What is Kundalini for?
- How do I activate Kundalini?
- Why did Kundalini awaken “accidentally”?
- How do I know if Kundalini is activated?
- How do I sustain the awakening?
- How do I integrate my spiritual experiences into my regular life?
- Why can Kundalini awakening be so disruptive?
- What are the consequences of my Kundalini activation on others?
- How do I activate or stop transmission of Kundalini?
- How can I awaken Kundalini to its full potential?
- How do I maintain connection with higher consciousness?
- What meditation and yoga is right for me during the Kundalini awakening?
- How can I support my awakening process through lifestyle, such as diet and exercise?
- What are the obstructions to the Kundalini process that I can remove?


Kundalini Counsel Monthly is a month-by-month program. You may choose to participate for one month, several months or longer.

The cost of the program is €369 per month. This means that when you first enroll you will be charged €369, and every month thereafter, you will be automatically charged the same amount.


You can participate in Kundalini Counsel Monthly for one month, a few months or as long as you like.

You don’t have to decide right now for how many months you will participate. You can try it for the first month and decide from there.

When you’re ready to end your participation, you can easily cancel your monthly automatic payment using a link that you’ll be provided upon enrollment. (We ask that you cancel in advance of the next month’s automatic payment date.)



“It has been a great honour and privilige to receive Umā’s counsel through monthly meetings via Zoom and communication through writing.

This journey for me has been like one huge embrace in the potent field of truth and love. I don't think it would have mattered to me what particular topics we have been going through, as just being held in Umā’s field is an extraordinary gift in itself. A safe and loving space that continously have given me exactly what I needed, exactly when I have needed it.

And within this safe field there has been an opportunity to really be seen, mirrored and thoroughly supported in my processes. My insight and clarity have accelerated through this assistance. I have been able to go through some major life-changing experiences within a safe container.

I can greatly recommend this program (or any other program with Umā) for anyone who is ready to grow!” —Marthe, Norway


Umā Inder is a licensed Ayurveda professional, a master teacher within the philosophy and practices of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and an accomplished researcher in the ancient Indian sciences.

Umā utilises traditional and modern therapeutic approaches to guide you to self-responsible, holistic health. She offers private Ayurveda consultations and distinctive trainings through the school she founded in 2011, SATYA: Synergistic Alignment of Tantra Yoga and Ayurveda. Her skillset is exceptional, founded on decades of trainings both rare and recognised.

Of Indian descent, she was born and raised in Kenya, where her maternal grandfather, the family yogi, was celebrated as “Freedom Fighter Extraordinary”. These days Umā can be found in her riverside abode in Bali, brewing ancient formulas for Aranya Ayurvedics, her range of wildcraft therapeutics, and bringing the gifts of SATYA online. She is regularly invited to teach in other countries and has offered trainings in the past in Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


Please contact Umā's team at goingwithnature@gmail.com if you have questions about Kundalini Counsel.

Kundalini Counsel - Premium

Kundalini Counsel - Premium

A Six-Month Program
of Personalised Solutions for Kundalini Awakening, Spiritual Emergence & Associated, Unexplained Symptoms


During the six months of this program, you will receive precise tools for awareness and deeper understanding, contextualised and personalised for your unique Kundalini activation and awakening process.

Each month includes:

—Two private live sessions with Umā, to evaluate related experiences, history, current and recurring conditions. Questions, aspirations, fears, doubts are welcome. All calls will be confidential and recorded only upon request.

— A private Telegram chat for reflections and integration, guiding a healthy, sustainable process. Questions you want addressed in the call can be asked in advance on this thread.


These are live Zoom video calls with Umā.

Ideally you will begin each month of the program with the first call and schedule the second call for about two weeks later.

During each call you will be prompted to ask any burning questions and share experiences, insights and concerns that have arisen for you in the course of the program.

Plan for each call to last 60 to 90 minutes.


The Kundalini Counsel program will answer your questions about Kundalini awakening and spiritual emergence and how to understand what’s happening as a natural process to embrace, support and integrate, while living healthily and purposefully.

The program will address questions of a limitless range, including but not limited to:

- What is Kundalini?
- What does Kundalini do?
- What is Kundalini for?
- How do I activate Kundalini?
- Why did Kundalini awaken “accidentally”?
- How do I know if Kundalini is activated?
- How do I sustain the awakening?
- How do I integrate my spiritual experiences into my regular life?
- Why can Kundalini awakening be so disruptive?
- What are the consequences of my Kundalini activation on others?
- How do I activate or stop transmission of Kundalini?
- How can I awaken Kundalini to its full potential?
- How do I maintain connection with higher consciousness?
- What meditation and yoga is right for me during the Kundalini awakening?
- How can I support my awakening process through lifestyle, such as diet and exercise?
- What are the obstructions to the Kundalini process that I can remove?


Kundalini Counsel Premium is a six-month program priced at €2,034 as a one-time fee.


Kundalini Counsel Premium is a six-month program.

At the end of the program, you may choose to continue meeting with Umā on a regular basis. Options can be explored toward the end of the six months.


“It has been a great honour and privilige to receive Umā’s counsel through monthly meetings via Zoom and communication through writing.

This journey for me has been like one huge embrace in the potent field of truth and love. I don't think it would have mattered to me what particular topics we have been going through, as just being held in Umā’s field is an extraordinary gift in itself. A safe and loving space that continously have given me exactly what I needed, exactly when I have needed it.

And within this safe field there has been an opportunity to really be seen, mirrored and thoroughly supported in my processes. My insight and clarity have accelerated through this assistance. I have been able to go through some major life-changing experiences within a safe container.

I can greatly recommend this program (or any other program with Umā) for anyone who is ready to grow!” — Marthe, Norway


Umā Inder is a licensed Ayurveda professional, a master teacher within the philosophy and practices of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and an accomplished researcher in the ancient Indian sciences.

Umā utilises traditional and modern therapeutic approaches to guide you to self-responsible, holistic health. She offers private Ayurveda consultations and distinctive trainings through the school she founded in 2011, SATYA: Synergistic Alignment of Tantra Yoga and Ayurveda. Her skillset is exceptional, founded on decades of trainings both rare and recognised.

Of Indian descent, she was born and raised in Kenya, where her maternal grandfather, the family yogi, was celebrated as “Freedom Fighter Extraordinary”. These days Umā can be found in her riverside abode in Bali, brewing ancient formulas for Aranya Ayurvedics, her range of wildcraft therapeutics, and bringing the gifts of SATYA online. She is regularly invited to teach in other countries and has offered trainings in the past in Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


Please contact Umā's team at goingwithnature@gmail.com if you have questions about Kundalini Counsel Premium.

Monthly Connection

Monthly Connection

per month
This program provides you with a one-hour private video session with Umā each month, as well as a private communication thread with her (in the app Telegram).

The monthly fee for this program is €207 . Please schedule each month's session directly with Umā.



“It has been a great honour and privilige to receive Umā’s counsel through monthly meetings via Zoom and communication through writing.

This journey for me has been like one huge embrace in the potent field of truth and love. I don't think it would have mattered to me what particular topics we have been going through, as just being held in Umā’s field is an extraordinary gift in itself. A safe and loving space that continously have given me exactly what I needed, exactly when I have needed it.

And within this safe field there has been an opportunity to really be seen, mirrored and thoroughly supported in my processes. My insight and clarity have accelerated through this assistance. I have been able to go through some major life-changing experiences within a safe container.

I can greatly recommend this program (or any other program with Umā) for anyone who is ready to grow!” — Marthe, Norway

Pūrna, Fullness

Pūrna, Fullness: A Complete Personalised Remedy

Empower yourself with structure, abundance & protection.

Shine the light of ageless wisdom on the truth of who you are, with the support of Ayurveda and Vedic Astrology practitioners. Benefit from a Shaivite ritual performed daily in your name by an Indian Pujari.

A comprehensive program to activate both internal and external generation of full support.

Includes lifestyle guidelines for the journey of healing, wholeness and fruitful outcomes.

Designed by long term practitioners, themselves beneficiaries of life-saving guidance and divine grace from Ayurveda, Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology) and tending to the fire of traditional Tantric puja or ceremony.

Yatha pinde tatha brahmande
Yatha brahmande tatha pinde
— Yajurveda

That is:
As is the human body, so is the cosmic body.
As is the cosmic body, so is the human body.

“The individual is the epitome of the universe,” said Charaka, revered sage of the ancient science of living life fully—Ayurveda.

Re-attune to the intelligence of universal rhythms, for wellness, abundance, protection.

During a 4-week period, you will receive:
• An initial, in-depth counselling session with Umā
• Your name activated in a ritual of abundance and protection by a specially selected Shaivite pujari daily for 4 weeks
• A horoscope reading with Lisa Bailey, Vedic astrologer and a collaborator with Umā over many years
• A closing counselling session with Umā
• Materials to introduce you to Ayurveda and Jyotisha, and to support you in integrating what you learn from Umā and Lisa
• A private Telegram chat with Umā and Lisa for reflections and integration between calls

About your consultations with Umā:
These sessions can address questions of a limitless range, including but not limited to: Who am I? What is my life’s purpose? What will make me truly happy? How can I awaken to my full potential? How can I get more energy? What will help me to sleep better? How can I feel more calm? How can I stay youthful? What is Kundalini? How do I integrate my spiritual experiences into my regular life? How do I maintain connection with higher consciousness?

These questions and more have been answered by the yogic sciences for thousands of years.

Plan for at least 60 minutes for each session.

About your Vedic astrology reading with Lisa:
Your birth chart is the map of karmas laid out for your life. When we understand our karmas, we can align with them, utilise our free will to influence them and create an intentional path forward. In your horoscope reading, Lisa will provide you with an interpretation of your map of karmas and guide you in simple steps to align with cosmic forces so you can navigate the landscape of your life with clearer awareness, greater ease and enhanced ability to identify the gift given in all that life brings.

You will be asked to provide your birth date, time and location to Lisa several days in advance of your session. Plan for at least 60 minutes for this session.

Who is Umā?
Umā Inder is a licensed Ayurveda professional, a master teacher within the philosophy and practices of Kundalini Tantra Yoga, and an accomplished researcher in the ancient Indian sciences.

Umā utilises traditional and modern therapeutic approaches to guide you to self-responsible, holistic health. She offers private Ayurveda consultations and distinctive trainings through the school she founded in 2011, SATYA: Synergistic Alignment of Tantra Yoga and Ayurveda. Her skillset is exceptional, founded on decades of trainings both rare and recognised.

Of Indian descent, she was born and raised in Kenya, where her maternal grandfather, the family yogi, was celebrated as “Freedom Fighter Extraordinary”. These days Umā can be found in her riverside abode in Bali, brewing ancient formulas for Aranya Ayurvedics, her range of wildcraft therapeutics, and bringing the gifts of SATYA online. She is regularly invited to teach in other countries and has offered trainings in the past in Australia, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Who is Lisa?
Lisa Bailey’s offering as a Vedic astrologer is supported by more than 20 years of practice and study within the Yogic sciences, including Hatha Yoga, Jyotisha, Kundalini Tantra and Ayurveda. She began her yoga and meditation practice in the year 2000, was invited to begin teaching in 2005, and completed 500 hours of Yoga Alliance E-RYT training in 2011 with Umā. In 2019, after several years of informal study, Lisa began formally training in Jyotish as a student of Penny Farrow in the esteemed lineage of Hart de Fouw and Krishna Mantri. This is a dedicated study that she continues today.

In one client's words...
“It has been a great honour and privilige to receive Umā’s counsel.

This journey for me has been like one huge embrace in the potent field of truth and love. I don't think it would have mattered to me what particular topics we have been going through, as just being held in Umā’s field is an extraordinary gift in itself. A safe and loving space that continously have given me exactly what I needed, exactly when I have needed it.

And within this safe field there has been an opportunity to really be seen, mirrored and thoroughly supported in my processes. My insight and clarity have accelerated through this assistance. I have been able to go through some major life-changing experiences within a safe container.

I can greatly recommend this program (or any other program with Umā) for anyone who is ready to grow!”

—Marthe, Norway

Please contact Umā's team at goingwithnature@gmail.com if you have questions about the program.

Pūrna, Fullness: A Complete Personalised Remedy (split payment option)

per month for 2 months (€630.00 total)