Move and Massage


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1/2hr massage

Gift certificate for a half hour massage within 3months of purchase

£30 gift certificate

A gift certificate that can be redeemed for a 1/2hr sports massage or personal training session, alternatively a canicross taster session, or even pay for 3 kettlebell classes.

£45 Gift Certificate

This is an open gift certificate which can be used for any of my public classes, sports massage, canicross or personal training.
It can be redeemed over time, deducting the value of your used session from the balance of your certificate

£90 gift certificate for any service

This is an open gift certificate which can be used for any of my public classes, sports massage or personal training.
It can be redeemed over time, deducting the value of your used session from the balance of your certificate

Cromford yoga monthly

per month
Buying this monthly subscription reduces your class fee from £10 to £8 per session.
Simply pay for the subscription, receive your code in an email and use it to book your classes for the coming month.
Unused classes won’t roll-over. If I am unable to attend a class one week, feel free to book for a different week. Any questions, I’m here to help.

Sports massage (1hr)

The perfect gift for someone. An hour with a level 4 sports masseur will include assessment, treatment and reassessment.
Great to help with back, neck, or shoulder pain. Alternatively a maintenance massage helps runners or athletes of any discipline to stay injury free.