
Training Adventures

1 Month of Training Adventures

Three 30 minute training adventures per week for 4 weeks--NOT appropriate for reactivity/behavior mod work (day-training is the option to work on those behavior challenges--mild excitement reactivity is okay)!

First 30 minute session for each dog is a meet and greet plus an intro to pick 3 skills to work on for that month. This could be a training walk or just sessions at home working on specific skills.

Basic Skills--leash walking, sit/down/stay, door manners, recall, focus while outside, leave it, drop it, settle at cafe/table/bench in public (if you live near a spot to work) etc.

Cooperative Care work--training for better nail trims, body handling, grooming, etc.

Tricks/games/enrichment--training to tire out your pup and give them a great brain work out. Work on skills for trick titles, parkour titles, advanced training games, or various puzzles/enrichment sessions.

2 Months of Training Adventures

Three 30 minute training adventures per week for 8 weeks--NOT appropriate for reactivity/behavior mod work (day-training is the option to work on those behavior challenges)!

First 30 minute session for each dog is a meet and greet plus an intro to pick 3 skills to work on for that month. This could be a training walk or just sessions at home working on specific skills.

Basic Skills--leash walking, sit/down/stay, door manners, recall, focus while outside, leave it, drop it, settle at cafe/table/bench in public (if you live near a spot to work)etc.

Cooperative Care work--training for better nail trims, body handling, grooming, etc.

Tricks/games/enrichment--training to tire out your pup and give them a great brain work out. Work on skills for trick titles, parkour titles, advanced training games, or various puzzles/enrichment sessions.