Tarot by Hilary


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E-Mail Reading - 1 question

Put your question in the Notes to Business section while you are completing your payment. Upon receipt of your question and payment, your reading will be sent in 3 business days.

Keep your questions short, sweet, and specific. The less I know, the better and more accurate your reading will be. Sometimes I will work with you when I feel a question needs to be rephrased. I will then do a three-card spread. You will receive a photograph of the cards pulled along with your reading in text format.

After the e-mail reading: You are allowed to e-mail me one set of questions based upon this reading. No additional cards will be pulled; this is only to clarify the reading.

Purchase as many as you want! When you select this type of reading, please change the quantity from 1 to as many questions as you want to ask, click the update button, and purchase! 3 cards will be pulled for each question.

*Purchasing more than 3 questions at a time? Please allow for an additional 3 days' turnaround time.*

Tessera Oracle E-Mail Reading - 1 question

Put your question in the Notes to Business section while you are completing your payment. Upon receipt of your question and payment, your reading will be sent in 3 business days.

Keep your questions short, sweet, and specific. The less I know, the better and more accurate your reading will be. Sometimes I will work with you when I feel a question needs to be rephrased. I will then do a three-charm spread. You will receive a photograph of the charms pulled along with your reading in text format.

After the e-mail reading: You are allowed to e-mail me one set of questions based upon this reading. No additional charms will be pulled; this is only to clarify the reading.

Purchase as many as you want! When you select this type of reading, please change the quantity from 1 to as many questions as you want to ask, click the update button, and purchase! 3 charms will be pulled for each question.

*Purchasing more than 3 questions at a time? Please allow for an additional 3 days' turnaround time.*

1 Question, 1 Card

In the style of my drive-by sessions on Facebook or my card of the day, but this time? Delivered directly to your inbox: card and its meaning, completely focused and in the context of your question. Short, swift, to the point. Need to know, like, NOW? This reading is for you.

Put your question in the Notes to Business section while you are completing your payment. Upon receipt of your question and payment, your reading will be sent in 24 hours.

***PLEASE NOTE: Some readings really do require more than one card. If one card isn't cutting it, you may want to purchase a 3 card email reading or book a 1/2 hour phone session to better answer your question. No pressure, though… sometimes a one card reading is just confirmation of what you are already feeling!***

I will then pull ONE card, and only ONE card, for your question. You will receive a photograph of the card pulled along with your reading in text format.

Purchase as many as you want! When you select this type of reading, please change the quantity from 1 to as many questions as you want to ask, click the update button, and purchase!

*Purchasing more than 3 questions at a time? Please allow for an additional day's turnaround time.*

Gift Certificate - 30 minute reading

Redeemable for a 30 minute reading in person or by phone/Skype.

Gift Certificate - 1 hour reading

Redeemable for an hour-long reading in person or by phone/Skype.

Specialty Readings

13 Moons Personalized Yearly Overview

Your personalized yearly overview is a pdf report with 13 cards altogether: 1 card of advice for each month of the year, and 1 "theme" card for the year.

A sample of this overview reading is here: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/07a5b414d24a88d4b64d2b449/files/13MoonsSample.pdf

Please allow one week from the date of purchase for delivery of your Yearly Overview.