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DISCOUNTED MONTHLY, REOCURRING SUBSCRIPTIONS-(a minimum of 3 months is expected)

90 minute COMBO monthly subscription - in person

per month
This combo package allows for 90 minutes of healing and will include a transformation in progress/reiki energy healing session AND Access Consciousness Bars. It will be intuitively guided and we will allow Source to determine what and how much is needed between these 2 modalities.
This is an auto-renew monthly subscription package. Enjoy a $25 discount when you commit to your well-being.
**Please save the code that comes in the confirmation email as you will use this each month to book once your code has been reloaded.

Monthly Transformation in Progress Session-in person

per month
This energy healing session is delivered while channeling Holy Fire III Reiki and Golden Source Energy. This will transform energy as needed. Things a client could experience is deep relaxation, negative energy transformed, activation of your full potential, physical pain healed and more. The intent of this session is to facilitate your transformation to be the best version of yourself. This is a hands on session and includes chakra healing oil and crystal healing as needed.
This is an auto-renewal subscription at a discounted rate. Enjoy a $25 discount by committing to your monthly well-being!
**Please save the code that comes in the confirmation email as you will use this each month to book once your code has been reloaded.

Every 3 Months - 90-minute combo session - In Person

every 3 months
This subscription gives you access to a discounted 90 minute combo session every 3 months! It will automatically renew at the 90 day mark making sure you never go too long without self care.

Every 3 Months - Divine Healing Codes Session - REMOTE

every 3 months
This session is for a Remote/Distant healing that includes divine healing codes as well as Holy Fire, World Peace Reiki. This code will automatically renew every 90 days and it is up to you to book before it expires.
Rhianna will call you at time of appointment to go over the session and codes while you enjoy the healing energy from the comfort of your home.

Gifts and Proactive Wellness Packages

The Gift of Mental Clarity

This gift card allows you one session of an Access Consciousness Bars experience. This gentle session helps create mental clarity, unwind the busy monkey brain and create more Zen for you.

The Gift of Wellness

This gift card allows you one Transformation in Progress session. This is a gentle healing that can help reduce stress, manage physical pain, help heal emotional pain, and overall create a balanced you. Holy Fire Reiki and Golden, Source energy is utilized during this session

The Gift of Transformation in Progress WITH Divine Healing Codes!

This gift is good for one Divine Healing Codes session. This is deep and specific healing that combines divine healing codes with Reiki!
This session is in person.

The Gift of Wellness AND Mental Clarity

This gift is good for one 90 minute combo session! This session combines Holy Fire Reiki, Golden, Source energy and Access Consciousness Bars for mental clarity, relaxation, peace and overall wellness.

Buy Three 90 minute Combo Sessions and GET ONE FREE!

This package is valued at $576. It allows you FOUR 90 minute combo sessions which includes Access Consciousness BARS and Christ energy healing.

Buy 5 BARS sessions get 1 FREE!

With this 6 package BARS session you are committing to self care and unlocking limiting beliefs, bad habits and discovering what you really know as we off load all the energy limiting you.

Buy 4 Transformation in Progress Sessions and GET ONE FREE!

This amazing deal is valued at $555! It allows you 5 one hour Transformation in Progress sessions which is a powerful energy healing channeling Christ energy. It will support your spiritual journey, help reduce stress, anxiety, help manage physical pain and remove trauma from the body.

REMOTE Healing- Buy 4 Get ONE FREE!

This package is great for anyone that would like to experience Christ energy healing from the comfort of their own home. This package allows you FIVE 1 hour sessions and is valued at $555.00.

3 Pet Energy Healing Sessions -Save 10%

Pets can benefit from energy healing too! This package gives you 3 Pet Healing sessions all done remotely from the comfort of your home!
Save 10% with this package.

Kids Energy Healing 3 Half Hour sessions -20% off!

Kids are little sponges. They take on everything they see, deal 12and hear and get overwhelmed easily. They don’t understand what’s happening and need extra support.
With this package you will receive 3 half hour, in person, energy healing sessions that will help them physically, emotionally and spiritually be their best.
This can be IN PERSON or REMOTE please tell me which in the notes.
20% savings

Wellness, Healing and Personalized Experiences

Personalized, Proactive Wellness Journey(REMOTE)

This REMOTE, proactive wellness package is perfect for anyone ready to invest the time and money to ensuring their wellness. It is perfect for anyone that would like to experience all of this healing from the comfort of their own home and can be enjoyed from anywhere in the world.
This 6 month healing journey is personalized for each individual and will include:

3 Divine Healing Code Sessions (90 minutes each)
2 Transformation in Progress Sessions (60 minutes)
4 TuneUps (10 minutes each)
3 Healy scans and frequency sends (Healy is a micro-current and frequency machine (the future of medicine!) that can bring your body, mind and spirit into balance through frequencies. Scans will get to the root of what is most needed in that moment and can even find subconscious and generational healing needs
2 One on One calls (30 minutes each)
1 Personalized Healing Transmission recorded via video and sent for future use and often as needed.

*No refunds and client has 180 days to use package in full.

Personalized, Proactive Wellness Journey (In person)

This personalized, 6 month healing journey is for anyone serious about being proactive in their healing.
With this investment in yourself, you can expect:

2 90 minute combo sessions with singing bowls
1 Transformation in Progress WITH Divine Healing Codes
2 Access Consciousness BARS session (60 minutes)
4 TuneUps (10 minutes each) First Aid Reiki when needed!
2 Healy scans and frequency sends (Healy is a micro-current and frequency machine (the future of medicine!) that can bring your body, mind and spirit into balance through frequencies. Scans will get to the root of what is most needed in that moment and can even find subconscious and generational healing needs. This is done remotely.
2 One on One calls (30 minutes each)
1 Personalized Healing Transmission recorded via video and sent for future use and often as needed.

*No Refunds and client has 180 days to use in full.