- General hypnotherapy 3 session package
3 sessions of general hypnotherapy - this is NOT for specialist sessions of Sexual freedom hypnosis
- General Hypnotherapy 6 Session Package
Block of up to six general hypnotherapy sessions- This does not include Sexual freedom hypnosis
- Sexual Freedom Hypnosis 3 Session Package
3 Sessions of specialist hypnotherapy completely individualised to your needs and circumstances.
- Sexual freedom hypnosis 6 session package
6 sessions of specialist hypnosis, individualised to your needs and circumstances.
- Sexual Freedom Hypnosis 10 session package
10 sessions of sexual freedom hypnosis.
- Expectant parent package
Birth by Hypnosis is the essential birth preparation for expectant parents. This package includes: 5 Hypnosis birth preparation sessions with Karen (office or zoom) custom made for you and your circumstances, downloads for daily use, a manual and online support.
- IVF Treatment Cycle Package
The rollercoaster of IVF causes stress, this package is to support for the whole treatment cycle. 6 sessions that provide you with the tools and support you need to cope, keep calm and remain optimistic. Session timings are flexible, but are typically 1 Combined consultation and pre-cycle, 1 during down regulation (or post period for short flare cycles), 1 during egg stimulation, 1 immediately after transfer, 1 during the waiting phase, 1 after the result of the cycle is known. Session times and dates can be altered online as you treatment progresses as no 2 cycles are the same, this package also includes as much phone support as you need. Available in office or online or in combination.