
Dog Star Oracle

Numerology Reports

Numerology Report: Personality Profile

Your birthday and birth name contain your unique Soul code.

Your name and birth date are no accident. Your soul chose the exact moment it was to be born, and the name it was to go by in this incarnation. Using just your birth date and full birth name, Numerology can tune into your character, natural talents and abilities, and life's purpose.

In this detailed report, you will gain insight into:

Explore your talents, temperament, strengths, and your challenges.

Gain insight into specific opportunities and roadblocks you may encounter during chapters of your life.

Look at your Karmic and Master numbers, Life Path, hidden strengths, and the energies that bring your balance.

Gain validation and perspective on your strengths, purpose, and motivation.

WHEN PURCHASING: Please enter your birthday, (month/day/year), full name at birth, and your current given name in the order notes!

Upon receipt of payment, Alexander will process the order within 1 business day and a PDF of your report will be delivered to your email. An accurate report requires your date of birth and full name at birth. If you have question about which name to use, please email Alexander at akriech@akriechintuitive.com before purchasing.)

(Please note: This is an automatically generated report, written by Numerologist Hans Decoz, and does not replace a private session with Alexander.)

Numerology Report: Yearly and Monthly Forecast

Your personal Numerology forecast utilizes the data in your birth and birthday to reveal your opportunities for the next 12 months.

Wouldn’t you like to know what you can expect, energetically speaking, in the New Year?

Will it be a year of new beginnings, initiation, and drive? Or is it time for you to rest, reflect, and go within? How about a year of restlessness and sudden changes? Maybe it’s a year with a heavy emphasis on relationships? Or maybe it’s a year of creativity and self-expression?

While we certainly have control over the cosmic weather, we can certainly adjust our sails and plan accordingly.

*** WHEN PURCHASING REPORT: Please enter your birthday, (month/day/year) full name at birth, and current given name in order notes ***

Upon receipt of payment, Alexander will process the order within 1 business day and a PDF of your report will be delivered to your email. An accurate report requires your date of birth and full name at birth. If you have question about which name to use, please email Alexander at akriech@akriechintuitive.com before purchasing.)

(Please note: This is an automatically generated report, written by Numerologist Hans Decoz, and does not replace a private session with Alexander.)

Numerology Report: Yearly and Monthly Forecast AND Personality Profile

This Numerology Report is a combination of the Personality Profile report AND the Yearly/Monthly Forecast report. (By purchasing both together, you save $5)

You will receive the Yearly/Monthly report, which is a detailed analysis of your cycles, opportunities, challenges, and potential for changes in the next 12 months.

You will also receive your Personality Profile, which is a detailed analysis of your talents, strengths, challenges, and your path in life.

***WHEN PURCHASING, Please provide your birthday (month/day/year), full name at birth, and current given name in order notes!****

Upon receipt of payment, Alexander will process the order within 1 business day and a PDF of your report will be delivered to your email. An accurate report requires your date of birth and full name at birth. If you have question about which name to use, please email Alexander at akriech@akriechintuitive.com before purchasing.)

(Please note: This is an automatically generated report, written by Numerologist Hans Decoz, and does not replace a private session with Alexander.)