Human Design


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3 Session Package

Three sessions is better than one. Repetition is the best way to deepen your understanding and look at all areas of life through the Human Design lens.

6 Session Package

Six sessions of deep diving into your Human Design. I reinforce everything you've learned while exploring the charts of your loved ones. We target key areas of life such as career, purpose, and relationships.

Family Package (7 Sessions)

Seven sessions of looking at your entire life through this lens. Get help with your relationships, your career/business, and understand your complete chart as it relates to everyone in your life.


Calls with Stephen

per month
Knowing about your Human Design is great. Sometimes things come up in life that needs extra attention. There is a way to analyze every event through HD, and Stephen is available to put it all into context for you. This is a way to make sure he can make time when you need him most.