
Animal Communication Packages

Peaceful Endings & Transitions (PET)

The Peaceful Endings & Transitions (PET) package includes one 50-minute session before the animal's transition to say goodbye and explain what will be happening. In addition, I will also connect and provide energy healing during the transition. Finally, you can schedule a short (25 minute) session a few weeks after your animal's transition to check in with them.

Let me know when your beloved animal's transition is scheduled. I will connect with them to help them release their physical body easily and joyfully.

SOS: 3 animal communication sessions

I was going to call this "Stop that Sh**", but figured I'd stick with SOS! Sometimes one session is just not enough, especially when you're dealing with chronic issues, more than one issue and/or more than one animal. In SOS, we can do more extensive energy healing and continuing check-ins with your animal(s). The SOS package consists of three 50-minute sessions ideally spread over 1-2 months.

Gift Certificates

Give the Gift - Animal Communication Remote Full Session

Give someone you love the chance to have a 2-way conversation with their animal using Maribeth's intuitive communication skills!

Help them find out what their animal is thinking and talk to their animal about worrisome issues or behaviors. This session can even be used to connect with animals who have passed.

IMPORTANT - HOW TO SHARE THE GIFT CERTIFICATE: You'll receive a receipt via email with a link to the gift certificate. Forward it to your giftee and ask them to click the link for the gift certificate. Once they've opened the gift certificate, click the green Schedule button to get on the calendar.

Give the Gift - Animal Communication Remote Short Session

Give someone you love the chance to have a 2-way conversation with their animal using Maribeth's intuitive communication skills!

Help them find out what their animal is thinking and talk to their animal about worrisome issues or behaviors. This session can even be used to connect with animals who have passed.

IMPORTANT - HOW TO SHARE THE GIFT CERTIFICATE: You'll receive a receipt via email with a link to the gift certificate. Forward it to your giftee and ask them to click the link for the gift certificate. Once they've opened the gift certificate, click the green Schedule button to get on the calendar.

Human Energy Healing

Human Energy Healing Package

Let's take a look at the origins of your physical issues -- or other issues that might be impinging on your animal's wellbeing from an energetic viewpoint. We will look for the cause and move into healing. This 3-session package is for people who want to go deeper to continue the progress they've made from previous sessions.

Postcards from your Pet

Postcards From Your Pet - 9 to 14 days

Maribeth will connect telepathically to your pets for 9 to 14 days. She'll let them know when you're leaving, who's watching them and when you'll be back. She'll check in with them to let them know you love them, you're coming back and give them permission to enjoy themselves - plus anything else you need them to know (health issues). She'll send you periodic emails updating you on how they're doing emotionally. You can even use this when your animals need more support even though you're at home - big family changes, moves, etc.

When you book, please tell me:
- the names of your animals
- the days you're gone
- who's taking care of them (specifics help)
- anything you want them to know!

Postcards From Your Pet - Up to 8 days

Maribeth will connect telepathically to your pets for up to 8 days. She'll let them know when you're leaving, who's watching them and when you'll be back. She'll check in with them periodically to let them know you love them, you're coming back and give them permission to enjoy themselves - plus anything else you need them to know (health issues). She'll send you periodic emails updating you on how they're doing emotionally.

When you book, please tell me:
- the names of your animals
- the days you're gone
- who's taking care of them (specifics help)
- anything you want them to know!

Your 4-Week Check-in

This 4-week program is an effective way to help your animals' chronic or recurring issues improve or even resolve!

At the beginning of each week of your four weeks,
- Ask you what we should focus on via email (please be laser focused)
- Send you a recording highlighting what she worked on

She will focus on your animals but can also include the whole family, human and non-human.

NOTE: Maribeth cannot do deep Medical Intuition Scans or End of Life Transitions in this package. But she can do healing for physical issues we already know about.