
1-2-1 Money Coaching Packages

Abundant Wealth Elevation

You've made it. Money. Lots of it.

Multi six figures headed towards 7.

But where are you headed? How can you ensure you build that legacy and have the lasting impact you want to create?

* Buy homes for your kids to live in at college
* Set up a charitable foundation
* Create a portfolio of assets that will provide you a 6figure tax-free income in retirement ( without emigrating to the Cayman Islands)

Or whatever you see in your future, we will plan it and create it.

This is my ultra VIP experience.

Access to my little black book of contacts to support your journey.

And a 121 experience unlike no other ( including in person planning sessions at my house where you can meet my alpacas)

This is the ultimate solution to creating your million pound asset portfolio.

Book in HERE or feel free to Message me for more info/ other payment options

1-2-1 Wealth Builder Experience Intensive

The Wealth Builder Experience is a completely customisable 3 month programme which is designed to create a wealth strategy plan for 3 key areas of focus:

cash / liquidity
future self / assets

and to map out a growth of your assets to £500k+ in the next 3-5 years.

Over THREE half-day INTENSIVE sessions we get all your foundations sorted and organised, a clear picture of what your future needs to look like and start the creation of your wealth strategy plan identifying all the milestones and markers you need to hit to be on track with what you really want.

Talking about how to make your money work for you, minimise tax and diversify so that you can be secure that the income you need will be available when you need it to be.

Throughout the THREE months we work together you have access to me via WhatsApp (Monday to Thursday) and membership of the Wealth ACTION club so that you can get accountability and support to move forward with the plan that we create.

A combination of training, support and accountability - in a fun, friendly way - allowing you to take ACTION on your Wealth Stuff and get it crossed off your list, once and for all!

Day of WhatsApp - Expert on Call

If you have money questions that you'd like answered, or need some adhoc help with sorting your money stuff - a day of WhatsApp may be just the thing for you!

WhatsApp lets us chat by voicenote, text and even share documents in real time. Reserved for my private clients, you get priority access to my time.

Running from 9am to 4pm Monday to Thursday - you can send over your query beforehand and then have me help you solve it - giving you time to go off and do other things in between!

We typically send short messages, voicenotes and screenshots back and forth over the course of the day so that you can take action on ONE big task which you've been putting off.

Ideal for people fed up of Zoom calls who want support to implement and an expert to answer their questions.