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Gift Certificate

Astrology Chart & Chart Summary

Not everyone is ready for a full session or chart comparison, instead send along a chart and mini-written chart reading. Will be emailed within 5 business days of being received.

Individual Astrology Reading Gift Certificate

Readings make great gifts for birthdays or other special occasions! A printable gift certificate will be emailed to you after purchase, valid for up to one year after purchase.

New Baby Chart & Chart Summary

Not everyone is ready for a full session or chart comparison, instead send along a chart and mini written chart reading for the new parents about their new baby. Will be emailed within 5 business days of being received.

Astrology Reading + Astro-mapping Gift Certificate

An astrology reading to dive into personal chart as well as astro-mapping which positions the natal birth chart over a map of the world to notice how different locations affect someone. Readings make great gifts for birthdays or other special occasions! A printable gift certificate will be emailed to you after purchase, valid for up to one year after purchase.

Chart Comparison Session: Couples, Family Members/Friends/Business Partners Gift Certificate

Great for weddings, business partners, or anniversaries of romantic partners! Also great for long-term friendships, family members, or business partners. These sessions are great way to understand more about relationship dynamics. Upon ordering a printable gift certificate will be emailed to you valid for one year.

Packages and Subscriptions

Four Session Astrology Session Package

Four astrology sessions to use at any time.