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Block Booking

Block Book Any 6 Classes

Book any 6 classes for £39
* You will receive a unique code valid for 60 days from date of purchase.

Block Book Any 8 Classes

Book any 8 classes for £50
* You will receive a unique code valid for 70 days from date of purchase.

Block Book Any 12 Classes

Block Book 12 Kettlercise classes for £72
* You will receive a unique code for 12 classes valid for 90 days from date of purchase


4kg Kettlebell

This official Kettlercise 4kg kettlebell is the recommended women's starter weight for Kettlercise classes. Available to collect at your Kettlercise class approximately 1-2 weeks after ordering.

6kg Kettlebell

This official Kettlercise 6kg kettlebell is the recommended men's starter weight for Kettlercise classes. Also suitable for intermediate level women. Available to collect at your Kettlercise class approximately 1-2 weeks after ordering.

10kg Kettlebell

This official Kettlercise 10kg kettlebell is a great men's intermediate to advanced weight for Kettlercise classes. Available to collect at your Kettlercise class approximately 1-2 weeks after ordering.

12kg Kettlebell

This official Kettlercise 12kg kettlebell is a great men's advanced level weight for Kettlercise classes. Available to collect at your Kettlercise class approximately 2-3 weeks after ordering.


Personalised Nutritional Analysis

* Current eating plan analysis.
* Discussion of goals, dietary requirements and needs via email/call
* Personal nutritional requirements calculated for maintenance, building or leaning/weight loss, based on your personal statistics and weekly activity.
* Sample personalised daily eating plan created.