
In Time Yoga & Wellness

In Time Yoga & Wellness Membership

per month

Regenerative Self Care and Wellness

Comprehensive Wellness (monthly)

per month
Excellence is achieved by attacking a flawed system from all sides in a systematic fashion. By utilizing the full spectrum of services you will hit all areas of life and regain the control you had in your youth. A whole team working to bring out the best in you.

Holistic Wellness (monthly)

per month
Holistic wellness is about treating your whole body in a caring and restorative way. Rebalance yourself with the greatest access to your providers possible. Want a primary physician that takes the time to help you get to know you? Need a mental health counseling to destress from life's struggles. Relax with a monthly full body massage. Accountability is the key to success with exercise, work with a personal trainer weekly to learn to discipline to go further. Eating well now-a-days is difficult, but not impossible with a nutrition health coach by your side. A whole team working to bring out the best in you and 25% off services when signing up initially or upgrading.

Self Confidence (monthly)

per month
Belief in yourself starts with loving yourself. But sometimes that's easier said than done. Maybe you have baggage in your past to deal with, maybe your body isn't where you want it to be, or maybe your hormones are out of balance making it hard to like what you see in the mirror. This package helps you correct all those things in a healthy way. No more hiding from the inner you, embrace the beautiful creation that is you.

Enhanced Sex Drive (monthly)

per month
Having trouble in the bedroom that you want to get corrected? There are a multitude of potential reasons for this to be happening. Your hormones could be unbalanced, your diet could be causing inflammation that's worsening the hormonal imbalance, and there could be things in your past that are hindering your ability to perform. This package hits all those causes so you have the best potential for improvement in this area.

Weight Loss - Assisted (monthly)

per month
Ready to get that weight off and want to optimize your hormones to help with reach your goals? Exercise weekly with a personal trainer, work with a nutrition health coach to determine the best diet for you, and do hormone replacement therapy using bio-identical hormone pellets. Achieving your best you is easy.

Weight Loss - Natural (monthly)

per month
Want a guided, natural approach to weight loss? Work out weekly with a personal trainer and work with a nutrition health coach to get your diet controlled. Set yourself up for success.

Lean Muscle Mass (monthly)

per month
Unlock the physique that trapped by hormone imbalances. Optimizing your hormones can give you access to untapped potential when it comes to gains. Work out weekly with your trainer and have your hormones optimized.

Emotionally Fit (monthly)

per month
Do you have issues with Depression, Anxiety, or PTSD? Just want help dealing with those issues in the most cost effective way? Emotionally Fit package includes primary care visits for medication management, as well as acute issues, and twice monthly mental health counseling sessions.

Increased Flexibility (monthly)

per month
Movement is key to longevity and maintaining function. Our providers help you cultivate a regimen of movement and recovery. Work out weekly with your trainer and have a monthly massage to keep muscles and joints limber.

Relaxed Health (monthly)

per month
Just need a physician and a massage once a month? If you have a handle on the other areas of your life, but want to make sure you can get a monthly massage to relax away your stress. Monthly relaxation is easily afforded.