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Energetic Alignment & Intuitive Healing Treatment (in-person)

For this treatment I use a blend of Sound Therapy and channeled Energy-Medicine to facilitate healing within your body, mind & spirit.

During these restorative sessions, I use a variety of sound healing tools and techniques, as well as Reiki, to balance and align your chakras & restore healthy energy flow through your central channel, which in turn allows your body and energy system to function better.

Each session is uniquely customized based on your specific energetic needs on the day of your appointment, and therefore no two treatments are exactly alike! People report feeling positive shifts after a single session, and there are further opportunities for deeper healing through receiving multiple treatments. As stuck and stagnant energy(emotions)are released back into flow, you become more balanced and aligned, which naturally promotes healing within you.

You can choose to come into the office for your session, or receive healing from the comfort of your own home. Energy healing works whether you are in the room with a person or at a distance, because energy has no boundaries and can move through space and time without restrictions. All you have to do is be in a state of openness/willingness to receive your healing treatment. If you happen to fall asleep during your session, that is absolutely ok! You receive the healing energy whether you are awake or asleep.

Energetic Alignment & Intuitive Healing Treatment (virtual with Zoom or phone)

For this treatment I use a blend of Sound Therapy and channeled Energy-Medicine to facilitate healing within your body, mind & spirit.

During these restorative sessions, I use a variety of sound healing tools and techniques, as well as Reiki, to balance and align your chakras & restore healthy energy flow through your central channel, which in turn allows your body and energy system to function better.

Each session is uniquely customized based on your specific energetic needs on the day of your appointment, and therefore no two treatments are exactly alike! People report feeling positive shifts after a single session, and there are further opportunities for deeper healing through receiving multiple treatments. As stuck and stagnant energy(emotions)are released back into flow, you become more balanced and aligned, which naturally promotes healing within you.

Energy healing works whether you are in the room with a person or at a distance, because energy has no boundaries and can move through space and time without restrictions. All you have to do is be in a state of openness/willingness to receive your healing treatment. If you happen to fall asleep during your session, that is absolutely ok! You receive the healing energy whether you are awake or asleep.

Intuitive Mediumship Reading - 60 minutes (virtual zoom meeting)

During an intuitive mediumship reading, I connect with your loved-ones in spirit, and/or your Spirit Guides to bring through messages for you.

Spirit communicates with me mainly through clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. I interpret the information that I receive, and deliver their messages of wisdom, guidance and healing, to help you align with your highest path. I am deeply grateful and honored to be of service in this way.

$20.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$30.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$40.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$50.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$60.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$70.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$80.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$90.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$100.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$120.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$135.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$150 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$160.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$200 Cash Value Gift Certificate to put toward any virtual/distance session


$225.00 Cash Value Gift Certificate to use toward any virtual/distance session
