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Unlimited Monthly Yoga Membership

per month
This Unlimited Monthly Membership offers access to all regularly scheduled classes throughout the entire purchase month. Unlimited Memberships include registration to select special events and workshops, when noted at registration. Membership automatically renews monthly at initial purchase price. There is no contract and you may cancel at any time.

Limited Monthly Plus Membership

per month
Limited Monthly Plus Membership is entitled to 8 of any regularly scheduled classes per calendar month. Membership automatically renews monthly at purchase price. There is no contract and you many cancel any time. *Special series and workshops are not included in our Limited Monthly Membership.

Limited Monthly Membership

per month
Limited Monthly Membership is entitled to 4 of any regularly scheduled classes per calendar month. Membership automatically renews monthly at purchase price. There is no contract and you many cancel any time. *Special series and workshops are not included in our Limited Monthly Membership.

10 Class Pack

Class Packs can be redeemed for any regularly scheduled classes and do not renew automatically.

5 Class Pack

Class Packs can be redeemed for any regularly scheduled classes and do not renew automatically.