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Soul Content Creation

9x - Soul Content Creation/Business Coaching Sessions (60-mins) + Free Consultation

By listening to your inner voice and wisdom, you can identify your needs and how to meet them. Within two months, you can embody how you truly want to feel. This work will transform how you relate to yourself, and/or within your business.

Soul Content Creation for your business will support you in finding your unique voice, a strategy for reaching your audience and turning them into lifelong clients, creating and organizing content - all to fit into your lifestyle and the life you envision!

Dream Sessions

Dreams Rewild Dream Reading Package

8 - Dream Embodiment + Interpretation (90 mins) + Free Consultation

Deep dive into various methods of dream work, which will be decided upon by you with my guidance. These longer coaching sessions last 90 minutes, which can be used for creative, healing, business, and collaborative purposes.