
1:1 Coaching Package buy 4 get 5th free

Five 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions
You're purchasing 4 and getting the 5th free
Together we can help you create the life you want to live

Pain Management Package of 4 - get 5th free

Revolutionary energy balancing systems that’s intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness and suffering in body and spirit — so you can have the opportunity to make corrections right on the spot. Our goal is to help you identify the underlying causes of your physical or emotional concerns, then release them in minutes so you can start feeling like yourself again. Also using Red Light and Infrared Therapy and Amethyst Biomat to work at a cellular level for Using multiple modalities ; The Body Code™, CBT, Theta, NLP
Most ailments need anywhere between 4 - 10 sessions depending on severity

Reiki - Purchase 4 get the 5th free

For relief, most ailments need 3 - 5 sessions
1 session is great to feel relaxed, balanced and rejuvenated

Reiki Sessions balance the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual subtle bodies, removing blocks, dissolving energetic cords of attachments, balancing chakras, clearing and repairing aura, bringing in spiritual awareness and a deeper connection to Creator. Extra light force energy is brought in for you specific ailment and needs.

Reiki - Purchase 10 get 2 free

For relief, most ailments need 3 - 5 sessions
1 session is great to feel relaxed, balanced and rejuvenated

Reiki Sessions balance the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual subtle bodies, removing blocks, dissolving energetic cords of attachments, balancing chakras, clearing and repairing aura, bringing in spiritual awareness and a deeper connection to Creator. Extra light force energy is brought in for you specific ailment and needs.

Gift Certificates

Crystal Healing & Attunement

Bath yourself in the loving and supportive frequencies of crystals and divine intention for you as you lay on the Amethyst Biomat with infrared frequencies to aid and assist you where you are at for emotional and/or physical pain, relationships, increasing connection to spirit, releasing what no longer serves you (such as mindsets, limitations etc.), balancing the chakra system, bringing in new awareness and brining you into alignment and balance for your highest good and what other intentions you would like to add to your session

Oracle Reading From Your Angels and Guides

A reading with your angels and guides (spirit team) using oracle cards to give you relevant information and guidance in love, career, life

Holiday Reflexology Session

Foot Reflexology is the stimulation of the foot for health conditions in other parts of the body using specific hand and finger techniques. During your session reflexology will be used to release built up of stagnant energy bringing in balance and a sense of relaxation

Reiki Session

Intuitive Reiki session on Amethyst Bio Mat where I read and work with Reiki energies, light language, crystals, essential oil & your chakras. Includes a card pull to give you gentle guidance channeled from your angels and guides. You may also request a traditional Reiki session where you just receive the energy.