Pool Packages & Fast Cat Fun Run Cards
$25 Gift Certificate
Gift Certificates in $25.00 increments. Give your kids what they really want for Christmas this year!! These will not expire.
$50.00 Gift Cetificate
Gift Certificates do not expire. Can be used for pool time or to buy items from the shop.
$75.00 Gift certificate
Gift Certificates never expire. Can be used for pool time or to buy items from the shop.
$100 Gift Cetificate
Gift certificates have no expiration date. Use for pool time, classes or items for sale.
5 Hour Pool Practice Package
Packages will no longer have an expiration date.
10 Hour Pool Practice Package
Packages will no longer have an expiration date.
15 Hour Pool Practice Package
Packages will no longer have an expiration date.
5hr pool Lesson package
Packages will no longer have an expiration.
10hr Pool Lesson Package
Lessons with Marie and your dog. Two dogs in same household are permitted for lessons at no additional charge.
No expiration on these packages but must be used on the outdoor pool.
15 hr Pool Lesson Package
Lessons with Marie and your dog. Two dogs in same household are permitted for lessons at no additional charge.
No expiration on these packages.
Fast Cat Fun Run Punch Card
Buy this card to receive 9 runs, with your 10th run FREE!!
I can mail these to you if you want to give them as gifts as well!!
It’s Fast Cat Season!